• Lookup Table / (Excel 2003)



    Hans kindly showed me how to create a lookup table, I am trying to re-create it in the attached workbook rows 5,6,7 work then I get a #ref error.

    Many Thanks


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    • #980061

      In G5 to G7, VLOOKUP(A6,status,2,0) evaluates to “distr” which is the name of a defined range (see Insert | Name | Define). Hence INDIRECT(VLOOKUP(A6,status,2,0)) results in a reference to the “distr” range.
      In G8, however, VLOOKUP(A6,status,2,0) evaluates to “Dump Acc” which is NOT the name of a defined range. Hence INDIRECT(VLOOKUP(A6,status,2,0)) results in a #REF error.

      I don’t understand what you want to accomplish with this formula. so I cannot suggest an improvement.

      • #980062

        Hi Hans

        What I am trying to achieve is the following.

        If Mkt Sector = 275 or 265 or 17Y, or 56 then Status should = Distr, If Key Account3 = 17675, or another 13 numbers then status should = Dump Acc, If QS>0 and NIV = 0 then Status should = Free/NSI, else Keep.

        I hope you can understand this



        • #980063

          What are Mkt Sector, Key Account3, QS and NIV? There is no mention of them anywhere in the spreadsheet…

          • #980069

            Hi Hans

            I have attached the few rows from the actual Workbook.



            • #980078

              Sorry, I still don’t understand. In row 3 of the workbook, Key Accounts 3 is 17675, so according to your description, Status should be “Dump Acc”, but in the same row, Mkt Sector is 275, so Status should be “Distr”. I’m confused.

            • #980079

              Hi Hans

              Thats because they were entered manually this is why I would like the code, I am looking for to automate them.

              I have attached again with nothing in the status.



            • #980085

              Still confused. Your description of what the status should be is not clear.

            • #980098

              Hi Hans

              Please see Attached.

              Thanks for your continued patience.


            • #980099

              Should the second and third IF in your description be ELSE IF ?

            • #980109

              Hi Hans

              I am not really sure but it sounds like it should because the all the ifs are required in each row ???



            • #980146

              Unless you can give a clear and unambiguous description of the precedence of the various rules, it is impossible to come up with a solution.

            • #980275

              Hi Hans

              I will try to explain the precedence.

              IF(C5=275,”Distr”,IF(C5=265,”Distr”,IF(C5=”17Y”,”Distr”,IF(C5=56,”Distr”,IF(and(G5>0 H5=0,”Free/NSI”,”Keep”))))))

              Keep is if none of the IF’s apply

              I have left out the Key Account3 because there are to many Variables

              Sorry to try your patience

              Many Thanks


            • #980304

              You can write that formula as:
              which may be easier to maintain.

            • #980308

              Hi Rory

              Yeah that works nicely, Is there a limit to how many variables you can put between the curly brackets?

              Grateful Thanks


            • #980310

              Honestly, I don’t know. shrug I used 50 as a test just now without problems but there might be issues if the formula gets too long.

            • #980311

              Hi Rory

              I will test it to destruction evilgrin



            • #980313

              An easier one to maintain, mibht be to use a Match for the first and second.
              something like:

              =IF(isnumber(Match(A2,,0)),”Dump Acc”,IF(OR(D2=275,D2=265,D2=”17Y”,D2=56),”Distr”,IF(AND(G2>0,H2>0),”Free/NSI”,”Keep”)))

              or even:
              =IF(isnumber(Match(A2,,0)),”Dump Acc”,IF(isnumber(match(d2,,0)),”Distr”,IF(AND(G2>0,H2>0),”Free/NSI”,”Keep”)))

              The names in brackets could be names or ranges as desired for looking up. They could be dynamic ranges that grow as more items are added…


            • #980317

              Hi Steve

              That looks great I will give it whirl, Thanks again.


            • #980525

              > The names in brackets could be names or ranges as desired for looking up. They could be dynamic ranges that grow as more items are added…

              Since he is on Excel 2003, he can better convert the lookup tables into lists with Data|List|Create List, which makes defining ranges by means of dynamic formulas superfluous.

            • #980536

              Thanks for the info.

              I do not have XL2003 (I only obtained XL2002 last month). Most of my answers are more “general” since they will work with XL97.


            • #980175

              How about this. First check is in COl A, if not a match then chec in D if not A or D, then check the G.H combo, if none then use the else:

              =IF(OR(A2=17675,A2=17933,A2=18244),”Dump Acc”,IF(OR(D2=275,D2=265,D2=”17Y”,D2=56),”Distr”,IF(AND(G2>0,H2>0),”Free/NSI”,”Keep”)))


            • #980286

              Hi Steve

              That works just fine, I wonder if I could impose on you to take out the the IF(OR(A2=17675,A2=17933,A2=18244),”Dump Acc, as there will be a lot more numbers added to this

              and I will have to use a seperate column for this.

              Many Thanks


    • #980312

      I would say that if you get anywhere near a limit (or indeed 50), you should probably be looking at lookup tables, which will be easier to maintain.

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