Hi All,
I use a spreadsheet to keep track of student grades. The last 2 columns have
– the term average, based on averaging tests, etc.
– the letter grade the average converts to, based on a lookup table (eg, first row has 0 and F, second row has 70 and C, etc).
What I would like to be able to do is visually see if the average is “close” to the next row. For example, if a person’s average is 69.5, I’d like to know that since I’d probably give the person the benefit of the doubt and pass them with a C. I’d like to be able to define “close” in some cell (set it to 0.5 or 1, for example).
Right now, the cells for the average and letter grade are filled as blue to set them off from surrounding cells. They are conditionally formatted to pink if the average and grade is failing.
I was thinking of having the average and grade cells add a pattern to the cell – maybe a pattern of dots over the fill color. I think I need 3 conditions:
1st: if passing and close, add the dots (to the blue)
2nd: if failing and close, fill with pink and dots
3rd: if failing, fill with pink
So if the person is passing but not close, the cell is just blue.
I’m not sure how to write the formula for the conditional formats to determine “close”. Any ideas?