Hi, looking to find a way to search a table from the on close event for a form which determines if there are any records in the table which do not contain data. For example, I have a form which addresses are input to a table. In some circumstances the address is deleted in the form from the user by deleting the information in the text boxes (i.e. highlight text box hit delete key). In these instances the record still exists in the table but there is no data left in it. The following line of code is what I am trying to get to work but cannot seem to make it happen since I know this table contains such records.
If IsNull(DLookup(“[First Name]”, “Affirmative Action Registration”, “[First Name]”)) Then
MsgBox “You have deleted information during this session which created an empty record. Do you wish to delete this non essential record?”, vbYesNo, “Empty record Notification”
End If
I have tried this with ISNULL; ISEMPTY; and ” “.
Also all fields in the table are text fields.
Any help is appreciated.