• Look who’s stalking 2: Apple responds to AirTag security threats

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    ISSUE 19.10 • 2022-03-07 PUBLIC DEFENDER By Brian Livingston The Apple AirTag, a $29 tracker the company started selling last year, has been criticize
    [See the full post at: Look who’s stalking 2: Apple responds to AirTag security threats]

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    • #2429765

      Apple could (and should) have done more to protect the proper use of air tags. BUT. If it wasn’t Apple, then someone else would have made this kind of thing. It’s the way mobile phone networks are set up that makes this kind of tracking so easy.

      Fortunately, there’s no one-way ‘weapon’. It’s a matter of time for back-trackers to appear. And no doubt there will be a plethora of apps available soon to list all kinds of trackers in your vicinity. And zap ‘m.

    • #2429772

      I think that before dealing the World’s number one AirTag stalking problem we maybe first tackle some lesser world problems like asking every fire arms manufacturer to alert every person on a street about a man charring a gun or every car manufacturer to alert every driver on the road to a car driven by drunken, junkie.. drivers or a Teals car driven in auto-pilot mode.
      When these will be done I suppose the world will turn to “fix” AirTag tracking alerts.


      AirTag stalking isn’t a bigger problem than Tile stalking or Samsung’s SmartTag or any $10 tracking device bought on eBay.

    • #2429787

      OK – I accept that protection against misuse is required.

      However, how do I add an AirTag to my Camera Bag/Car/Bicycle to aid recovery if stolen?
      If the presence of an AirTag is reported, then the obvious first thing for a thief to do is to find and disable it.

    • #2430604

      This technology is going to be used for both good and evil. Much like anything else electronic and connected.  It will eventually be integrated into many products and marketed to the masses as a security enhancement.  The rollout of IOT is an example of an idea rolled out without regard for safety and security.  Evil  has no problem locating an IOT device, many of which are an integral part of our infrastructure(s).


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