• locking up when saving (word 97)

    • This topic has 2 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 23 years ago.

    I have a large document (28 pages, 2 columns with 7 charts/graphs). When I save the document it takes forever and most of the time, it locks me up and I lose my changes. Why does this happen? THis document is on a shared drive between me and my assistant. I have set all the margins, columns widths and some paragraph formatting. It looks great on my computer. When she is modifying the document, it appears different on her computer. She can have more lines in a column or on a page instead of my computer. Any ideas? We are not working on it at the same time. This document is a royal pain but a very important document for my department. Please send any suggestions!!!

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    • #574896


      You say the document is on a shared drive, do you mean peer-to-peer in which case the lock/crash on save could arise because your poor machine can’t cope with being asked to save a big document at the same time your colleague tries to get at something on the same drive. Presumably you’ve checked that the drive isn’t very full and doesn’t have loads of .tmp files cluttering it up? If client/server ask your network administrator.

      Is the document based on NORMAL.DOT? If so then your colleague could get more lines per page because the margins on her normal.dot are different to yours. If not, or the margins on both normal templates are the same, then…

      Do you both use the same printer? If so I’m out of suggestions otherwise read on. Different printers have different amounts of non-printable space round the edges consequently even though the margins are the same you end up with different printable areas allowing more or less lines per page. I live with this particular ‘feature’ daily where my default printer for draft output is different to both my colour or high quality B/W printers.


    • #575011

      Hi Deborah:
      Do you have fast saves on? They shouldn’t be! Check under Tools/Options/Save & make sure the option is unticked on BOTH machines.

      Although this shouldn’t be document specific, do you have Outlook journalling turned on? If so, go into Outlook & turn it off.

      As far as lines per page, the attached template will not affect this. Are you seeing more per page on screen or is it printing that way? It could be that the printer or printer driver is different if printing differently.

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