• List of Mis-spelt Words (Word XP)


    Hi All,

    I’m looking for a way of getting a list of all the mis-spelt words in a document. I found this post 285,569 that will give me a list of words. Is there a test of some sort that will tell the VBA if the word is mis-spelt (ie, not in the dictionary)?

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    • #1044308

      If “real time” spell checking is turned on (typically indicated by wavy red underlines) you can interrogate the SpellingErrors collection. The following only checks the body, but you can separately check the headers and footers in all the sections, as well as other StoryRanges such as footnotes.

      Sub MisspelledList()
      Dim strTemp As String, rngTemp As Word.Range
      For Each rngTemp In ActiveDocument.Content.SpellingErrors
      strTemp = strTemp & vbCrLf & rngTemp.Text & vbTab & "[at " & rngTemp.Start & "]"
      If Not (rngTemp Is Nothing) Then Set rngTemp = Nothing
      MsgBox "Spelling Errors Found:" & strTemp, vbOKOnly + vbInformation
      End Sub

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