I discovered this in VBA, but it happens with vanilla Word too. I’m including code at the end anyway, but I don’t think it’s the code that’s the problem.
I have a couple of styles called “Alpha List” and “Number List.” The Number List style has a left indent of 0.12″. When I right-click on a paragraph of that style and choose to set the numbering value, it updates the style. It does ask me first: ‘Changing the number format for this list updates the style “Number List” and reapplies the style to each paragraph. Do you want to continue?”
When I choose Yes, the style changes to a left indent of 0.37″. Now each new paragraph I format to Number List (as well as paragraphs already formatted) has the new indent.
What am I missing in Word?
As stated before, here’s the code I was using when I noticed the problem, but it happens even without VBA, so I doubt that’s the issue. I suspect it’s doing the exact thing as the manual process except that it doesn’t prompt a message box.
Sub RestartNumbering() Dim myLF As ListFormat On Error GoTo Restart_Numbering_Error If Selection.Range.Style = “Alpha List” Or _ Selection.Range.Style = “Number List” Then Set myLF = Selection.Range.ListFormat myLF.ApplyListTemplate ListTemplate:=myLF.ListTemplate, _ ContinuePreviousList:=False Else MsgBox “Selection is not an approved numbered or alpha list. ” & _ “Please select a numbered or alpha list and try again.”, vbExclamation, _ “Not a valid list” End If End Sub