• Laptop


    Which laptop manufacturer would you recommend for a decent and reasonably priced one?

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    • #1037981

      I think you will get as many responses as their are loungers and manufacturers.

      Do you know what you want to use this laptop for?


      • #1037982

        I want to use it for coorespondence via email, wordprocessing, spreadsheets, publications-Publisher, Powerpoing presentations and web access for real estate, and possibly to update my website.

        • #1037983

          For those things you don’t need a high powered domestic laptop, one of the generic business models will probably be best.

          The next key question is about portability, there is a three way trade off between power, price and portability, you can have any two of these – what’s important to you?


          • #1037986

            please explain more in depth as to me portability doesn’t seem like a big issue as it is a laptop??

            • #1037989

              If you want a really small light portable laptop then it will cost more, and probably be a bit less powerful.
              If you are prepared to accept a slightly thicker and heavier model then you could save quite a bit of money.


            • #1037991


            • #1037997

              I’d not pick Compaq but any of the others would be fine. As Stuart said you’ll get as many opinions as you care to see. You ought to go to a retailer and check out several models of HP & Sony. You might be able to find a Dell kiosk in a mall near you. Sam’s Club also carries some Dell models. You’ll most likely be fine with something in the $700 – $1000 USD range – perhaps more depedning on the screen size.



            • #1038003

              Compaq are now owned by HP, and I don’t think you’ll find any Compaq branded laptops anymore.

              Any of the big name brands will have a laptop that suits you. You should be looking for one of the larger laptops as these tend to have more features for the money. You should be able to find something in the sub $600 range if you shop around and buy online.


    • #1038014

      Please define “decent and reasonably priced one?” as I think a good decent price for a lap top is around $1200 USD.

      DaveA I am so far behind, I think I am First
      Genealogy....confusing the dead and annoying the living

      • #1038103


        decent and reasonably priced one

        [/indent]As good as the one you are thinking about, at half the price. laugh

        • #1038137

          Exactly! I want a bargain for a reliable laptop that isn’t going to crash on me in 6 mos. My daughter had a Compaq we purchased through Costco and it was a piece of junk.

          • #1038138

            We have real good luck with the Sony VAIO’s in the $1200 price range. We have gotten them at Fry’s, CompUSA, and Best Buy. They are all at about the same price.

            DaveA I am so far behind, I think I am First
            Genealogy....confusing the dead and annoying the living

            • #1038139

              I appreciate the input, but I will NEVER buy anything again at Best Buy. They are a joke and don’t stand behind anything they sell – all us techs up north here refuse to give them any business!

            • #1038140

              We have had good service from the one at South Center and the one in Bellevue.

              DaveA I am so far behind, I think I am First
              Genealogy....confusing the dead and annoying the living

            • #1038172

              I happened to price out 3 similarly spec’d 17″ laptops from Sony, HP, Dell, and Apple (not that you are considering a Mac). I won’t get into specifics, but the HP beat the competition by over $200USD – they included a $200.00 instant rebate, and a $50.00 mail in rebate, for what, i don’t know. i suggest checking them out online though.

              This was the exact price breakdown I got:
              HP – $1,813.97 <- Wow!
              Dell – $3,004.00
              Mac – $2,800.00
              Sony – $2029.98

            • #1038177

              ah, they have a Deals section… that explains a lot laugh

            • #1040968

              If you haven’t already run your credit card through the reader, try the Dell Outlet. It’s a bit of hassle figuring out the small differences between the laptops, but the prices can be quite good. The inventory changes very quickly. While I was collecting these examples someone grabbed one of the systems. Upon a refresh, one appeared for $579. Anyway, it’s an option. grin

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