• Labels skip last line (2000)


    I have a simple label report designed by the Label Wizard. The problem is that the report doesn’t use the last line of labels on the page. I tried making the label a little shorter so they would “creep” up and maybe fool it into putting data on that last line – but if it creeps enough to fool it, it also creeps enough that the top of the labels start moving onto the label above.

    The labels are Avery 5160. Any idea how to solve this problem? It doesn’t bother me when I’m just printing a page or two – but I’m about to print about sixty pages of labels and this problem will create significant waste.


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    • #1808451

      Are you using an inkjet printer? Most standard labels are designed for dot matrix and laser printers; those can print very near the bottom edge of a page, while inkjet printers usually have a large non-printing margin at the bottom of the page. You can try decreasing the line spacing on the labels, and the font size if necessary.

      • #1808458

        Thanks for that detail!
        Actually we have both. The database backend is on the computer with the laser printer and I have a frontend on my computer with the inkjet. I can print on either. I just went to the other computer and made a set of labels – and – as you suggest – it prints fine.

        Since I am the one who does the work on the database, is there some way when I am building reports (on my computer) to tell Access to configure it for the laserjet? (to which I am networked and can print from my computer)?

        Thank you,

        • #1808470

          Normally, an Access report prints to the default printer. You can specify another printer to be used in the Page tab of File | Page Setup…

          • #1808473

            Thank you Hans.
            That doesn’t seem to change the layout on the existing labels. I think in the future when I am creating labels I will just try to remember to temporarily change my default printer in the control panel/printers folder. smile

            Thanks again for the tips.

            • #1808497

              Just a word of caution on this topic – Access tends to sometimes forget the specified printer on occasion, and resets to the default printer. There are some fixes for that issue in SP3 I believe, but our experience suggests it can still happen. So you may want to check in the preview as to where a report is going to print – just right click and check the setup.

            • #1808524

              Thanks for that tip, Wendell.


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