• Just in time for Thanksgiving

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    It’s kinda, sorta official now. Over on the Windows insider blog Brandon LeBlanc is announcing that Windows 10 21H2 will be out in November of 2021. J
    [See the full post at: Just in time for Thanksgiving]

    Susan Bradley Patch Lady/Prudent patcher

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    • #2397129

      Or use the ISO downloader.

    • #2397131

      How large is this file? I am not on an unlimited data plan. Thx!

    • #2397138

      How large is this file? I am not on an unlimited data plan. Thx!

      Full Windows 10 ISO is ~7GB.
      21H2 is Enablement Package ~100-150MB if you are up to date with updates.
      Wait for the update.

    • #2397148

      More like a post-halloween release opposed to thanksgiving..
      another cauldron of digital blastphemy awaits the unsuspecting

      If debian is good enough for NASA...
    • #2397158

      Downloading and having it ready only gives you time. If you have access, you can get it via another computer if your computer falls over and you need it. The important part is to back up your data. Frequently. Offline copies, as well.  Alternating disks backup (e.g. odd week; even week). Even that can fail. I once had two disks fail on a single day. Fortunately, both were backup disks.

    • #2397174

      I wonder what changes, if any,  are in 21H2

    • #2397180

      These alerts are needed & appreciated but they never say – Save an ISO or Images -. Is THAT from a belief that an ISO is a more reliable recovery tool than Images?

      ISO just dnloaded was 4.24 GB ……… SO WHY do I get – “4.24 GB ISO is Too Large for 14.5 GB FREE USB Destination? Copy-Paste from D Drive to USB a different animal with different transfer rules?

      I’m getting a LOT of Edit time – Great!!

      W10 Pro 22H2 / Hm-Stdnt Ofce '16 C2R / Macrium Pd vX / GP=2 + FtrU=Semi-Annual + Feature Defer = 1 + QU = 0

      • #2397213

        You can always burn it into a flash drive.  Honestly the hard part is remembering where you put it 🙂

        Susan Bradley Patch Lady/Prudent patcher

        • #2397437

          I don’t understand how to use the two .iso files that I have downloaded from the Microsoft “Create Windows 10 Installation Media” website and saved to both my computer and to a USB flash drive.

          When I right-click the files and click “Burn disc image” Windows responds with “A disc burner wasn’t found.” My computer does not have a CD or DVD drive.

          Also, it is my understanding that I can not boot my computer to these files.

          So, how can I use these .iso files?

          • #2397442

            Instructions for two ways to make a bootable Windows USB drive are here https://www.minitool.com/backup-tips/create-bootable-usb-from-iso.html  An 8gb or larger drive is required.

            1 user thanked author for this post.
            • #2397486

              Thank you for the link.

              The Windows Media Creation tool offers the option of using a USB flash drive as the destination for the Windows installation media. Additional explanatory language on the Windows Media Creation tool website seems to indicate that if the Windows Media Creation tool is used to create the installation media directly onto a USB drive then that drive is bootable. If that is true I don’t understand the reason(s) for making an ISO version of the Windows installation media.

            • #2397549

              Keeping lots of ISO files is more convenient than keeping many separate USB keys with different versions.  Note that tools like Rufus in the second part of that link can “burn” (not really burning) the ISO to a bootable usb.

              1 user thanked author for this post.
    • #2397206

      Fat32 formatted USB drives cannot store files over a several GB limit.  A USB drive formatted as NTFS or exfat can.  It is nice to have the Windows ISO because it can make a bootable USB key that can run some tools or do repairs.  It can also update or downgrade other computers to that same patch level if you have to buy another.

      1 user thanked author for this post.
    • #2397225

      SO WHY do I get – “4.24 GB ISO is Too Large for 14.5 GB FREE USB Destination?

      You get the message because your USB is formatted with FAT32 (max file 4GB).
      Format to NTFS.

      2 users thanked author for this post.
    • #2397258


      if you use a different OS than Windows – Linux for example – you will not need to use that “download tool”, you will simply be offered to download the ISO directly. Also you can make the webserver think, that your browser runs on another OS (with an agent-changer-add-on), this way it will work, too.

      Typical kind of Microsoft-thinking.

      By the way: The ISO is 5,4 GB.

    • #2397541

      What is the 21H1 build that the most recent download of MCT creates?

      • #2399390

        Now the Win10 21H1 MCT app recently downloads the Oct 2021 refresh ESD install file as build 19043.1288 (KB5006670 CU integrated) as I have just found out myself instead of the older 19043.928 build released in late May 2021

        just read something about it from this german blog

    • #2399397

      danke schön. Good to know, if you don’t read German 🙂

      And does it need a double layer DVD? Or will it go on a single layer DVD? When I tried to burn the older 19043.928 (4.24 GB) to a double-layer DVD with CD Burner XP Pro, it wouldn’t verify afterwards. So, I burned it again using a single layer DVD and it worked. I hate to waste DL DVDs; they are hard to find.

      On the other hand, 20H1 (19042.631) was 4.56 GB and required a DL disc.

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