This morning when I turned my comp on it told me that it was installing new updates (hmmm… thought I told you to ask me first) welllll… by now it had rebooted and was telling me not to turn off my comp until it finished. It rebooted again and looked normal. Now every time I try to do anything it acted like a bunch of stuff was running in the background, step, stop, step, stop, and taking forever to get anything done. Checked the autoruns, nothing new, checked everything else I knew of, nothing new again. Then I tried running scannow from the administrator elevated prompt. It tells me that the scan is starting, then tells me that “sorry I can’t run that program”… (or words to that effect) HUH?. Fortunately I had a full backup from yesterday. Installed that and everything is back to normal speed and scannow runs fine.
Just wanted everyone to watch out for these latest “updates” (and it didn’t say what it was installing).