• Just a weirdness (and maybe a warning)

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    This morning when I turned my comp on it told me that it was installing new updates (hmmm… thought I told you to ask me first) welllll… by now it had rebooted and was telling me not to turn off my comp until it finished. It rebooted again and looked normal. Now every time I try to do anything it acted like a bunch of stuff was running in the background, step, stop, step, stop, and taking forever to get anything done. Checked the autoruns, nothing new, checked everything else I knew of, nothing new again. Then I tried running scannow from the administrator elevated prompt. It tells me that the scan is starting, then tells me that “sorry I can’t run that program”… (or words to that effect) HUH?. Fortunately I had a full backup from yesterday. Installed that and everything is back to normal speed and scannow runs fine.

    Just wanted everyone to watch out for these latest “updates” (and it didn’t say what it was installing).

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    • #1505218

      If you’re on the ball enough to make some rudimentary queries then you certainly don’t need to have WU
      running at all, except when YOU specifically want to check for updates.

      Sometimes other updates, usually larger scaled ones, will re-enable/reset WU to automatic, so checking back frequently
      with the settings also helps to prevent them from running on their own.

    • #1505244

      Updates to .NET usually take a while to complete after re-booting (optimizing, whatever that is). I keep an eye on CPU usage to see when they have finished.

      cheers, Paul

    • #1505248

      For Windows 10 Insider Preview I have automatic updates. Everything else is notify only.

      I strongly advise against ‘download but let me choose when to install’. Try to keep that genie in the bottle.

      Always create a fresh drive image before making system changes/Windows updates; you may need to start over!
      We all have our own reasons for doing the things that we do with our systems; we don't need anyone's approval, and we don't all have to do the same things.
      We were all once "Average Users".

    • #1505328

      Thanks for all the good advice guys. I’m letting it install one update at a time with time and testing in between, trying to figure which one screwed me up. So far so good.

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