I replied to a post last night, and included an attachment which I wanted to get some feedback on. “Clicking Okay Button”
It’s just a nifty little VB program, that ‘repeats/mimics’ Access dialog windows (query criteria prompting, Login boxes, etc etc.). I actually posted to several threads last night, and got replies on a lot of them, but this one I was really hoping to get some ‘reactions’ too. I know this sounds like I am starving for attention, but I really thought this little program was neat. Relatively useless, but neat. (Read the post post 238098, it explains what the program does, how to use it, and why I built it.)
So post back with your initial reactions! (let me have it!)
(also, I am curious what versions of Access this works in….I only really tested it in 97….but it should work for 2k and XP….if you try it with those, let me know if it works or not).