June updates are out and Microsoft is once again dribbling out changes. I’ve detailed many of the expected changes here. Meanwhile Apple announced Pr
[See the full post at: June releases bring dribbles]
Susan Bradley Patch Lady/Prudent patcher
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June updates are out and Microsoft is once again dribbling out changes. I’ve detailed many of the expected changes here. Meanwhile Apple announced Pr
[See the full post at: June releases bring dribbles]
Susan Bradley Patch Lady/Prudent patcher
W10 22H2 … A 17 minute process for me …. JUNE CU KB5039211 …. SSU …. MSRT …. multi-Macrium Ready although I never recall having used it for CUs.
W10 Pro 22H2 / Hm-Stdnt Ofce '16 C2R / Macrium Pd vX / GP=2 + FtrU=Semi-Annual + Feature Defer = 1 + QU = 0
June 2024 patch overview from Martin Brinkmann over here:
Hardened Windows user:
KB5039212 Cumulative Update for Windows 11 Version 23H2 for x64-based Systems
KB890830 Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool x64 – v5.125
No hiccups.
Now running Windows 11 Pro Version 23H2 (OS Build 22631.3737). I’ll wait for the push on my NAS and E5420.
KB5039212 Cumulative Update for Windows 11 Version 23H2 for x64-based Systems
I just this week installed Win11 to test it out. KB5039212 stuck at 69%, so I ran the windows update troubleshooter and that said it was waiting for a restart. So, I shutdown/restarted it, but it froze at 0% while shutting down. So, I did a power off reset. This time it came up installing the update, rebooted itself, and completed successfully. Same version as you, Win11 Pro 23H2.
I also successfully updated a Win10 Pro 22H2 machine to KB5039211 with no problems at all.
No updates today for Windows 11 version 24H2 (apart from MSRT).
Microsoft has paused delivery of Windows 24H2 until future notice so I suppose no updates.
Completed the following server patching:
Server 2016 – role : domain controller – Applied service stack + server CU
result: no authlite – no issues so far
Server 2019 – role: rras server – Applied server cu
result: No issue located so far
Server 2022 – Role SCCM DB Server sql 2017 – Applied server cu
no issues so far – apart from “2024-01 0x80070643” been showing up a while on server 2022
Server 2019 – Role: sccm dist/mgmt/ WSUS / sup point – Applied server cu
No Issues so far
Server 2019 – Role: primary sccm – Applied server cu
No Issues so far
Testing ongoing today from top to bottom functionality of domain, sccm and sql – Any issues will report back.
Here’s a bit of weirdness for this month with Server 2019 VMs in Azure without Azure managed patching and auto patching turned of as well as the Windows Update service being stopped\disabled and there isn’t a WSUS server in play.
Some show KB5039705 as ready for install when it shouldn’t even show since Windows Update has been disabled since middle of last month before that patch was even available (and the service is still disabled).
Some VMs if you install it then show KB5039217 in Windows Update after the restart show KB5039217 others after the restart on others KB5039217 never shows up. Others show KB5039217 as available, don’t show KB5039705, but the reboot then shows KB5039705.
If you hide KB5039705, restart the Windows Update service and then reboot KB5039217 never shows as available.
It almost looks like KB5039705 is a pre-req, but the behavior doesn’t seem to be related to having installed the original KB5037765 and you can manually install KB5039217 without any errors.
Anyone else seen this behavior?
Whoever decided to change the internal strucrure of Cumulative Update for LTSC / Server 2019, created an unnecessary inconvenience
and if you ran dism /Cleanup-Image /ResetBase on you OS, then 2024-05 and later LCUs will fail to install, because they are missing a component that existed in previous LCUs
They had to do it, they had to break something working just to the sake of change
Language might change in some parts of the UI with the June 2024 security update
In the last couple of weeks, I have moved my Win11 installations from 22H2 to 23H2 using the Enablement Package.
Updated today, successfully:
Two Win11 Pro 23H2 in Parallels VMs on Apple Silicon to Build 22631.3672
2024-06 CU KB5039212
No .NET Framework updates
Defender updates
One Win11 Pro 23H2 hardware install on a low end HP Desktop to Build 22631.3672
2024-06 CU KB5039212
No .NET Framework updates
Will update when I get to the Win10 installations.
Updated today, successfully:
Two Win10 Pro 22H2 in Parallels VMs on Intel Macs to Build 19045.4529
2024-06 CU KB5039211
No .NET Framework updates
One Win10 Pro 22H2 hardware install on an old Dell Studio XPS 1340 Laptop to Build 19045.4529
2024-06 CU KB5039211
No .NET Framework updates
Hi Susan:
Windows Update successfully installed all updates offered for the June 2024 Patch Tuesday on my Win 10 Pro v22H2 laptop, and I haven’t encountered any problems so far. This includes:
I did not receive any .NET Runtime or .NET Framework patches for this month’s Patch Tuesday, but the .NET Runtime 8.0.6 that patches CVE-2024-20672 (.NET Denial of Service Vulnerability) was pushed out to my machine by Windows Update on 29-May-2024 as the KB5039845 “emergency” out-of-band update – see my 10-Jun-2024 post # 2679752.
My system has been running well since the updates were installed (e.g., DISM, SFC and Windows Update Troubleshooter do not detect any problems), but Windows Update did get stuck when the Malicious Software Removal Tool (MSRT) reached “Downloading – 19%” as shown below.
This is the second month in a row that the MSRT download might have caused a problem (see my image in post # 2673128 when the MSRT got stuck at “Downloading – 1%” during my May 2024 Patch Tuesday) so after waiting about an hour to see if Windows Update would progress on its own I re-configured my Malwarebytes Premium so it would not load at Windows startup and re-booted my computer, and Windows Update ran to completion without any further problems. I’m not sure if a simple re-boot on its own (i.e., without disabling Malwarebytes Premium, which upgraded to v5.0.x in late April 2024) might have fixed the problem so I’ll have to do some further testing when next month’s July 2024 Patch Tuesday updates are released.
The following feature changes announced for Win 10 still haven’t rolled out to my system yet:
Dell Inspiron 15 5584 * 64-bit Win 10 Pro v22H2 build 19045.4529 * Firefox v127.0.0 * Microsoft Defender v4.18.24050.7-1.1.24050.5 * Malwarebytes Premium v5.1.5.116-1.0.1252 * Macrium Reflect Free v8.0.7783
so far suspect it is probably a mistake .
What else could it be? Viruses??
BTW, I finally got rid of CoPilot with Group Policy Editor. I thought I had disabled it before, but it came back.
Nobody asked me, but I will tell you anyway, all updates installed for Windows 11, (except MSRT) but seemed slow. I also downloaded an Intel video driver through WU. Everything on the screen got really large until I rebooted.
15th June 2024 (build 26100.863)
KB5039239 security updates released for W11 24H2 for both arm64 and x64 based systems:
Support info:
FoD = ‘Feature on Demand’ is enabled by default,
my take – more FuD to come for insiders and outsiders 😛
2024-06 Cumulative Update for Windows 11 Version 24H2 for x64-based Systems (KB5039239) 6/15/2024
FoD = ‘Feature on Demand’ is enabled by default,
my take – more FuD to come for insiders and outsiders 😛
Calling Windows Management Instrumentation Command line (WMIC) FUD is the true FUD.
Apps show “Open With” dialog when right-clicking on Taskbar or Start menu icons
Following installation of the Windows update released April 23, 2024 (KB5036979)and updates released after that, certain apps might display an “Open With” dialog box asking, “How do you want to open this file?”. You might experience this issue when you place your mouse on an app icon shown in your Taskbar or Start menu and right-click on the app to execute a task in that app. Resulting from this, you might see the “Open With” dialog box instead of the execution of the selected task.
This issue was reported by Teams, new Outlook for Windows, and Snip & Sketch users. This issue can also affect other applications attempting to right-click on its icon to find a context menu with a list of tasks…
Next steps: We are working on a resolution and will provide an update in an upcoming release.
Affected platforms:
Client: Windows 10, version 22H2; Windows 10, version 21H2
“Apps show “Open With” dialog when right-clicking on Taskbar or Start menu icons”
resolved/fixed by installing the June 25 preview update (KB5039299) or later as noted by Microsoft on 6/25
Resolution: This issue was resolved in updates released June 25, 2024 () and later. We recommend you install the latest security update for your device. It contains important improvements and issue resolutions, including this one.
Enterprise users
After installing this update or later updates, you might face issues while upgrading from Windows Pro to a valid Windows Enterprise subscription.
Resulting from this operation, you might observe the following symptoms: – OS upgrade operations may fail, and this might be shown in the LicenseAcquisition scheduled task in Task Scheduler -> Task Scheduler Library -> Microsoft -> Windows -> Subscription as ‘Access denied error (error code 0x80070005)’ under ‘Last Run Result’.
We are working on a resolution that will be released on a Windows update in the coming weeks.
I got a new computer late last month (May ’24) and in setting it up got all the then current updates without any problems.
Today – 6/22 – I had a program glitch that I was working on and a resolution was to have updates current. Ran it today and windows 11 pro 23H2 seems to be running ok. Did all the “apps” too – that also seems to be running ok and nothing “bad” has cropped up. I use Office 2019 suite and did NOT update that.
This guinea pig has survived – for what that’s worth! I’ve “stopped” all updates now and will go back to my old wait-and-see process for doing future updates.
Windows 10 Pro 22H2.
Before installing June updates I had 160GB of free space on my 256GB C: drive.
After the update free space “lost” 8GB to 152GB.
I ran : dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /AnalyzeComponentStore
Result : Actual Size of Component Store : 14 GB
Shared with Windows : 6 GB
Backups and Disabled Features : 8 GB
After : dism /online /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup I got back 6GB with free space of 158GB.
2 days later with regular use free space is back at 160GB.
..Meanwhile, others found that they were unable to download the June Patch Tuesday updates for Windows 11 and Windows 10 as it would lead to a “0x80245006” error…
Microsoft has clarified that the error 0x80245006 Windows update issue has been resolved. On a Feedback Hub post about the bug, a Microsoft employee Jennifer G, gave the following response:
This should be resolved now – as always, please don’t hesitate to file a new piece of feedback if you continue experiencing issues.
Therefore, if you were also unable to update Windows and were greeted with a 0x80245006 error, you should probably try it again now. If the issue persists, make sure to report the issue on Feedback Hub.
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