• Issues saving a new report (2003)


    I have a database with about 30 reports. I am modifying an exisiting report to include some additional fields and I am saving AS with a new name. I need the originial report as well. I can do File/SAVE as and give it the new name…however, it does not appear in the report window. I exited and came back and still the new report is not there. What is up with that???

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    • #1123648

      Move away from the report window and back to it. That will refresh the list.

      • #1123649

        Thanks for the suggestions however it did not work.

        Here is another twist…I did a file/save as…the name in the blue title bar did not change. I changed a text box and tried to close it. A dialog box appear asking me to save the “new name” but it will not let me. It will not exit.

        Has networking done something with my rights???

        • #1123650

          First, try Tools | Database Uitlities | Compact and Repair Database…

          If that does not correct the problem, your database may have become slightly corrupt.
          Create a blank new database, and use File | Get External Data | Import… to import all database objects from the problem database into the new one.
          Hopefully, the new one will work OK.

          • #1123652

            Tried this already….compacting that is!

            Ok..do I have to do each object 1 at a time to the new database???

            • #1123655

              > do I have to do each object 1 at a time to the new database?

              No, you can click Select All in the Tables tab of the Import dialog, then click Select All in the Queries tab etc., and finally click OK. All database objects will be imported in one go.

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