• IQ test

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    The attached comes from Geektest.com and should pass some time on a boring Monday…

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    • #949271

      Cool Rory, thanks.

      • #949423

        I bet you took one look at the puzzle and closed it off again…or did you… exclamation

        • #949425

          Hi Rudi

          No, I printed it off and have it on my desk in front of me. I am working on it during down time/natural breaks. I have about 50% answered so far ( and that was without the help of Google, as the answers can be found very easily)

          The secret is to look at questions that answer another question that answers the question you are doing dizzy . A case of elimination by logic. Fun but I won’t post the answers as Google can do it for us!!

        • #949491

          bananas bananas bananas

          ……my head hurts, call the nurse

          • #949496

            The answer to 482222 is the same as answer 482311 newbrain

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