• ios18 iPhone 14 All of my blocked callers are gone

    Home » Forums » AskWoody support » Apple » iOS » ios18 iPhone 14 All of my blocked callers are gone


    I had a long list of blocked callers on my iPhone 14 iOS 17.7.3
    A few days ago I updated to iOS 18.2.1. Now there are no blocked callers in the list.
    Isn’t this list supposed to transfer?
    Is there anything I can do about it?

    • This topic was modified 1 month, 4 weeks ago by WCHS.
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    • #2734159

      Revert? Restore from backup? Cry?

      cheers, Paul

    • #2734174

      @wchs Something happened at your end. I updated to 18.2.1 a few days ago and just checked my blocked numbers list. I still have my numbers there. Search for blocked numbers list blank after updating. Block a number now and see if it gets blocked. You can always unblock it.

      iPhone 13, 2019 iMac(SSD)

      • #2734204

        I have blocked several new callers and they are on the ‘blocked caller’ list – so it’s working with new blocks. But, all of the ones that were there before I updated to 18 are gone. It was a very long list because I had been blocking unknown callers that had been showing up on my ‘Recents’ list ever since I got the iPhone in May. It started out with 17.5.0, updating through 17.7.3 (Dec 11).

        I did not update when 18.0 arrived in Sept, nor did I update for 18.0.1 (Oct 3), 18.1 (Oct 28), 18.1.1 (Nov 19), 18.2.0 (Dec 11 – updated to 17.7.3 instead). 18.2.1 is my first 18.x version (installed Jan 6).

        I’ve tried searching to see if there’s any report of this anywhere – tried your search suggestion also. Nothing shows up for the problem.

        1 user thanked author for this post.
    • #2734547

      Perhaps you manually deleted the blocked callers from the list you had with iOS 17 prior to updating? The Blocked Callers list doesn’t get wiped out when updating. Apple stores this data in the system, it should automatically transfer over with a new update. Another reason could be you don’t have an iCloud account on your iPhone, or you signed out of your iCloud account at some point, this stops the files and data from being saved to your account. If either is the case you won’t have access to your data, or files after an update.

      MacOS iPadOS and sometimes SOS

      1 user thanked author for this post.
      • #2738227

        I do have an iCloud account. The phone is one of the apps that gets backed up. I recharged it about 12 hours ago and it says it did a backup then. I have the basic 5GB for iCloud. I’ve used about 2GB of that, all tolled. My two iPads also back up to iCloud and they are synced.

        My phone has access to all of its other data and so do my iPads (‘Contacts’ is an example.)

        Since no one seems to have this problem with missing blocked callers, the best I can conclude is that I must have deleted them at some time before I did the update.

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