IE Cumulative Updates fail to install
There are three PCs in the house: my Win 8 basic desktop purchased last November, a four year old laptop and my wife’s 6 year old desktop. The latter two are both Win 8 Pro upgrades from Vista. All three run IE 10.
The February patch kb 2909921, installed without any trouble on my wife’s machine, the oldest of the three, but repeatedly fails on the other two. There have been 11 failed attempts on my PC, a lot less with the laptop, which is seldom used. Typically the patch downloads, installs to about the 85% mark, says there has been a failure and is reverting to the former state, reboots and repeats the process. I have tried downloading and installing with firewall and AV switched off, but it makes no difference.
Exactly the same thing happened with the March update kb 2925418, which installed on my wife’s machine, but not the others.
Although we do not use IE this is worrying, as it apparently is an important part of Windows.