• Intermitant Error (Excel VBA)


    Afternoon All,

    I have a VBA macro that copies a template sheet. Every now and then I get an error … “copy method of worksheet failed”. The actual code is …

    Sheets("$TEMPLATE.fac").Copy after:=Sheets(lsPrevSheetName)

    where lsPrevSheetName is a valid value.

    sometimes it works, sometimes is stops working half way through. I usually have to exit excel and restart it but sometimes I need to reboot.

    Any takers on what is going wrong?

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    • #549460

      How silly is this. There is a knowledge base article that discusses this issue and suggests a work around – basically close the workbook (saving changes) and then re-open it. It looks like MS are extending the concept of ‘fix all problems with a reboot’.

      The knowledge base article is here …


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