This would be easy enough to test I suppose but since I don’t have a test machine available at the moment I thought asking would be quicker than setting one up.
The biggest reason most people I know run with administrative privileges under WinXP/2K isn’t to avoid logging off & back on as administrator when they want to install a program, it’s because most programs only install for the account you’re running under when you install them. If you log on as administrator to install the program then that program is available to the administrator account but not to your ‘normal’ account. Usually. (More & more programs are becoming ‘multi-user’ aware so this is a diminishing problem, but it’s still currently a major problem for most people.)
The best way I’ve found so far involves 12 steps-far too many for the average user. This morning I got to wondering about a shortcut. If you’re logged in as your ‘normal’ user & run the install program as administrator, using the Run As function, does this apply the administrator rights & privileges to your normal user account-for the purposes of that program-or does it run it as a full logon to the administrator account? In other words, under this scenario would the program be installed for your normal user account or for the administrator account?
For those who are curious, the 12-step best installation method I’ve found is:
1) log off your normal account
2) log on as administrator
3) make your normal account an administrator
4) log off administrator
5) log on to your normal account
6) install the program
7) log off your normal account
8) log on as administrator
9) return your normal account to a limited user
10) log off as administrator
11) log on to your normal account
12) test the program
If the test fails then you must, of course, go thru the same 12 steps to either uninstall it or ‘fix’ whatever the problems are, assuming you can identify them.