• Installing Add-ins into Word 2013


    Hello all,
    I’ve just installed Word 2013 instead of Word 2007. I have a lot of macros and toolbars in a template that I created before the advent of the ribbon. I created them in Word 2003.

    In Word 2007 I put my template (“JMcC”) in the start-up folder and Word displayed my toolbars as an “Add-in” ribbon (located to the right of the developer tab).

    I’ve tried doing the same in Word 2013 to no avail.
    The template is in the start-up folder. The folder is listed in the trust centre. I’ve set macro security off temporarily. I still can’t see my toolbars.

    What else should I try or where have I gone wrong? Please help.


    Viewing 4 reply threads
    • #1517605

      If you open the template directly (instead of as add-in) do the buttons appear in the Addins tab?

    • #1517665

      It sounds like you are doing the right thing (except for the part about turning macro security off).
      Are your macros showing up in the list of available macros?
      Long term, you may want to save your file as a .dotm file and save QAT modifications to the file to access your macros.
      Modifying the QAT and Ribbon in Microsoft Word

      While it is my recollection that the Add-Ins tab appears automatically, check under customize the ribbon to make sure that it is checked as visible.

    • #1518056

      Thank you Charles and Andrew,
      The .dot file shows up as a global template. However the macros don’t show in the Macro list. I’ve written one new macro in the Normal template and it shows in the macro list.
      When I try to open the template, either directly or basing a new document on the template, Word hangs up. I think the template is too old. Other old templates also hang up but my more recent templates don’t but I am unsure whether any of my new templates have macros. I’ve always put all the macros in the one global template.
      I think I should write a macro in a new template and try that as a global template.
      Regards, Judith

      • #1518058

        If you have it loaded as a global template (i.e. placed in Word’s Startup Folder) rather than replacing your system normal.dot, try naming it something other than normal.dot. (oops! Just noticed you are in Word 2013 now — definitely you do NOT want to try replacing Word 2013’s normal.dotm with the old template.)

        [Quote] Other old templates also hang up but my more recent templates don’t but I am unsure whether any of my new templates have macros.[/Quote]
        Check your trust center File Block options on older files.

    • #1518062

      Hi Charles, I’ve just checked that at your suggestion. The only things blocked were word97 and earlier. I removed the blocks and still Word hangs.
      Some of the macros were written when I was using Word 6 so it was worth a try.

      I edited my macros only last month under Word 2007. I have a old computer running office 2007 so I can recover the text of the macros so the are not completely lost although the toolbars seem to be.

      My template is named JMcC_Startup.dot and it is in the startup directory.

      Thanks, Judith

      Thank you, Judith

    • #1518273

      If you can’t open the template directly then I would assume it has become corrupted. If you have an old copy that you can open then you should be able to save it to dotm format and run it as an addin.

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