• Inkjet cartridges


    Today, I made my regular visit to Staples (not much choice in my area for computer supplies) to buy ink cartridges for my HP deskjet. Considering what I’ve spent over the years, I’ve bought 8-10 new printers in equivalent costs for ink. But the manufacturers, HP in particular, give us all kinds of “must not do that wrist slaps” for even considering remanufactured cartridges, but I’m ready to take that risk.

    Fred Langa in a recent “Plus” newsletter published a link to http://maxpatchink.com/index.shtml%5B/url%5D, a recommendation from a reader. The price certainly looks good, but I’m wondering about anyone’s experience with the reliability of that company, or if there are other recommendations for suppliers of remanufactured cartridges. (I don’t want to mess with refill kits.)

    Viewing 7 reply threads
    • #869290

      I know nothing about the reliability of the company, but I ran into a problem with expiration dates built into HP’s ink jet cartridges. Quite a bit of information on it at http://www.alotofthings.com[/url%5D

      As far as I know they only sell refill kits so this wouldn’t be a likely source of supply for you, but it seems to me to be a good source of information.

    • #869291

      I know nothing about the reliability of the company, but I ran into a problem with expiration dates built into HP’s ink jet cartridges. Quite a bit of information on it at http://www.alotofthings.com[/url%5D

      As far as I know they only sell refill kits so this wouldn’t be a likely source of supply for you, but it seems to me to be a good source of information.

    • #869444

      I also have not bought from that company, Dennis, but I have been burned on two occasions. I have an HP printer and get tired of the ink cost, so I searched around for a retro-ink place on the web. I bought a “test” of just one black and one color and when I used ’em, the black turned out to be grey (the only way I can describe it) and the color was really washed out too. Of course, by the time I had gotten around to using the two, considerable time had passed, so I never even contacted them for a refund. On the second try (yeah, I guess I’m dense!) I bought only a standard black from another place and it wouldn’t even print. I decided that if I’m gonna have an ink printer, I’m just gonna have to pay the piper.

    • #869445

      I also have not bought from that company, Dennis, but I have been burned on two occasions. I have an HP printer and get tired of the ink cost, so I searched around for a retro-ink place on the web. I bought a “test” of just one black and one color and when I used ’em, the black turned out to be grey (the only way I can describe it) and the color was really washed out too. Of course, by the time I had gotten around to using the two, considerable time had passed, so I never even contacted them for a refund. On the second try (yeah, I guess I’m dense!) I bought only a standard black from another place and it wouldn’t even print. I decided that if I’m gonna have an ink printer, I’m just gonna have to pay the piper.

    • #869632

      Staples has it’s own brand of “remanufactured ” ink cartridges for most HPs and others.
      I’ve used them in my HP printer and am satisfied with the results. At least you can save a few bucks on them, maybe not as much as other places but you can return them if no good.
      I tried a refill ONCE. Had a bad seal in the fill hole and it leaked ink all over the spot where the cartridge parks itself. Finally had to throw the printer out because of the gummed up gears and rails.

      • #869714

        Thanks, Bob, for the info. I’ll have to look more closely next time I’m in Staples.


      • #869715

        Thanks, Bob, for the info. I’ll have to look more closely next time I’m in Staples.


    • #869633

      Staples has it’s own brand of “remanufactured ” ink cartridges for most HPs and others.
      I’ve used them in my HP printer and am satisfied with the results. At least you can save a few bucks on them, maybe not as much as other places but you can return them if no good.
      I tried a refill ONCE. Had a bad seal in the fill hole and it leaked ink all over the spot where the cartridge parks itself. Finally had to throw the printer out because of the gummed up gears and rails.

    • #869654

      I have bought my Canon cartridges from http://choicestationery.com [/url] for a few years now and I can recommend them: free delivery and reliable products have kept my custom. I have always bought compatibles with no problems.

      • #869662

        The only problem with your supplier choice is that it is in the UK and Dennis is in the USA. The free shipping is for UK mainland only.
        I assume you meant it as a general recommendation of rebuilt cartridges, not necessarily from this vendor?

      • #869663

        The only problem with your supplier choice is that it is in the UK and Dennis is in the USA. The free shipping is for UK mainland only.
        I assume you meant it as a general recommendation of rebuilt cartridges, not necessarily from this vendor?

    • #869655

      I have bought my Canon cartridges from http://choicestationery.com [/url] for a few years now and I can recommend them: free delivery and reliable products have kept my custom. I have always bought compatibles with no problems.

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