• INDIRECT as part of Array formula – hows it work? (excel 97 on win xp sp2)

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    Just a quick query really.
    I have been passed an array formula which basically returns the final word in a cell of text, as indicated by the final word being preceded by a space.
    The formula is:

    =RIGHT(TRIM(A2),LEN(TRIM(A2))-MAX(IF(MID(LEFT(TRIM(A2),20),ROW(INDIRECT("1:20")),1)=" ",

    entered as an array formula.
    Basically the formula returns a persons surname.

    I am aware of using indirect to return indirect cell values, but how does the above formula work? Just having difficulty getting my brain round the ROW(INDIRECT(“1:20”)) bit.
    Is it checking characters 1:20 of the cell? And how does it know its the last space in a cell. e.g. if I have say Mr K L Smith, then the result is Smith. It’s great and it works but I would just like to know how.


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    • #1016586

      ROW($1:$20) or ROW(INDIRECT(“1:20”)) returns an array consisting of the numbers 1, 2, 3, …, 20.

      LEFT(TRIM(A2),20) consists of the first 20 characters (or as many as available) of A2.

      MID(LEFT(TRIM(A2),20),ROW(INDIRECT(“1:20”)),1) returns an array consisting of the 1st, 2nd, … character of A2. For example, if A2 = “Mr K L Smith”, the result is

      “M”, “r”, ” “, “K”, ” “, “L”, ” “, “S”, “m”, “i”, “t”, “h”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”

      Next, we compare these to a space ” “, and return the highest number from the array 1, 2, …, 20 for which there is a match, i.e. the position of the last space. This is subtracted from the length of the value of A2, and the result is used to return the last n characters of the value of A2.

      Clear as mud now? grin

      • #1016603

        Cheers Hans, as clear as most things to come out of Redmond.
        The thing I most couildn’t visualise was the need for the ROW in front of indirect 1:20.
        Is that because without it the indirect would not return the actual row number of the data held in the array – I’m guessing.

        • #1016609

          1:20 is a cell reference – it refers to rows 1 through 20. ROW(A5) returns the row number of the argument (5 in this example), and ROW(1:20) returns an array containing the row numbers 1, 2, …, 20.

          As far as I can tell, INDIRECT is not really needed here, ROW(1:20) works just as well as ROW(INDIRECT(“1:20”)).

          • #1016628

            The indirect is used for generality. If rows are inserted/deleted within 1:20 the formula will change and expand/contract.

            Using Indirect “locks” it as 1:20 no matter what rows are inserted/deleted within the range.


    • #1016791

      Now you know how the ROW(INDIRECT(…)) bit works, isn’t that a too expensive formula?

      An alternative would be:

      =TRIM(RIGHT(” “&A2,LEN(” “&A2)-FIND(“@”,SUBSTITUTE(” “&A2,” “,”@”,LEN(” “&A2)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(” “&A2,” “,””))))))

      which just needs enter. BTW, the string in A2 should not have trailing spaces.

      • #1016811

        Yep, see all points now.
        The formula from Aladin works well and I find it easy to break down and understand.
        Cheers everyone.

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