• Increase/Decrease Indent


    What is the shortcut key for the increase and decrease indent function??

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    • #1780706

      There is no shortkey for that as far as I know.

      Ctrl-1 followed by A will bring up the Format, Cells, Alignment dialog. wherein you select the degree of indent you want.

      I presume you mean indent from a formatting point of view. There is no Indent function as a Function is understood in Excel.

      Andrew C

      • #1780707

        The function I am referring to is on the formatting toolbar. It is the button with left and right arrows showing.

        • #1780710

          Yes, thats what I was referring to. No shortcut keys though, unless you create a macro and assign a shortcut key to that.

          Sub InDent()
          Selection.InsertIndent 1
          End Sub

          You could assign a shortcut key to the above macro. You could also change the 1 to indent even more.


    • #1780708

      There are increase and decrease indent buttons on the formatting toolbar. If you want to use short-cut keys, you’ll need to write a short sub-routine that changes the IndentLevel Property of your selection and assign your desired short-cut combination to it.

    • #1780713

      Ctl>Alt>Tab and Ctl>Alt>Shift>Tab seem to work to increase and decrease the indent…

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