• In their own reality

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    Do the writers at many of the on-line tech web sites live in their own reality? Do they know what’s going on in the tech industry?

    You hafta wonder when you see articles about new office furniture that configures your office into a meeting room or an office. Huh? Corps are downsizing hundreds and thousands of workers and they post an article about wickedly expensive office furniture?

    How about another article that discusses upgrading your development tools? Wake up! With cash strapped corps, your choices are FREE or NOTHING not thousands of dollars in upgrades or full versions.

    I know there are other examples, but I can’t think of them right now. Sometimes I just shake my head and wonder what planet are these people from?

    shrug Maybe I’m visiting the wrong web sites. Anyone know about any web sites that deal in reality?


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    • #630965

      How about here? We tend to deal with reality here because they don’t elsewhere. crazy

      • #631127


        This site is very good along with Woody’s E-mail-zines, but I’m looking for tech industry news and help for developers. This site is mainly focused on Microsoft Office and Windows. This is the first place I go for help with Office or Windows, or if I feel like offering help on those two subjects.

        For tech news, ZDNet has lost it for me.

        For help for developers, Builder.com is good, but some of the articles aren’t based in reality.

        Do you know of some good web site that offer tech news or help for developers?


        • #631315

          Not sites, per se, but there are a lot of developer lists out there that you can subscribe to. Google should turn some up for you if you specify the language.

    • #631366

      You won’t get a free subscription to MSDN or the latest great stuff by writing reviews of free software. Not that there is any “bribery” going on here, it’s just that the dev tool business has never been subject to the same pressures as, say, office suites. And arguably some of those hot new features could improve team productivity…at least, that’s the claim…

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