• Import tab delimited file (Outlook 2000)

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    Anyone know why I am unable to import a tab delimited file into my Outlook 2000 Contacts folder? I created a sample Word table of names, addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses. Next I converted the table to text separated by tabs, and saved it as a .txt file. I then went through the import process in Outlook, specifiying import from another program and Tab Separated Values (Windows). I selected my .txt file to import, chose my Contacts folder as destination file, and got to the screen where you should be able to Map Custom Fields. That button is inactive.

    If I click on the checkbox in front of my file to be imported in “The following actions will be performed:” window, it displays my header row fields as “Name|Address|City” and on a new line “State ZIP|Telephone|E-mail address.” When I converted my table to text, those were all separated by tabs.

    Others here have told me that they have been unable to import a .txt file into Outlook 2000. It worked perfectly in OL98. I searched this forum but found no references. Any thoughts on this? Thanks.

    Reply To: Import tab delimited file (Outlook 2000)

    You can use BBCodes to format your content.
    Your account can't use all available BBCodes, they will be stripped before saving.

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