• import from web (2000 rs 1)


    When I try to run a web query on the URL you provided, Excel (2002 SP-3) refuses to import any data. Do others experience the same?

    Viewing 3 reply threads
    • #952684

      yes, I experience the same – “this query returned no data…” – same excel as you – 2002 sp3

    • #952593


      i have this link site
      In this site are present many data in table-format.
      Each page is identify from a letter from A to Z
      I would want to import for each letter site the value present in the related page and put the data into a sheet…
      My idea …. but only this i am not an expert:
      Put into a sheet SERVICE into column A yhe letter from A to Z and cycling with a for next the url:

      http://www.capitalmarket.com/bulletin/bsebhav.asp?var= & letter present in column A of sheet SERVICE

      and put the data into sheet TABLE

      Can you help me?
      Please very important for me.

    • #952695


      same answer as Brooke (XL 2002). I get this error message:

    • #952755

      I got the alphabet.

      Excel 2000 SP3

      • #952761

        The page Sal refers to contains many tables; you imported a table with navigation information, but none of the tables with data. It seems this web page doesn’t want the data to be imported into Excel.

        • #952841

          Hans and other friends…
          Look here:
          Sub Importer_tableauPageWeb()
          ‘MichelXld le 09.06.2005

          ‘activate Microsoft HTML Objects Library
          ‘activate Microsoft Internet Controls

          Dim IE As InternetExplorer
          Dim maPageHtml As HTMLDocument
          Dim Htable As IHTMLElementCollection
          Dim maTable As IHTMLTable
          Dim j As Integer, i As Integer, x As Integer, Ligne As Integer
          Dim NbPages As Byte

          Application.ScreenUpdating = False

          For NbPages = 65 To 90
          Ligne = 0
          Sheets.Add After:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)
          ActiveSheet.Name = Chr(NbPages)

          Set IE = CreateObject(“InternetExplorer.Application”)
          IE.Visible = False
          IE.navigate “http://www.capitalmarket.com/bulletin/bsebhav.asp?var=” & Chr(NbPages)
          Do Until IE.readyState = READYSTATE_COMPLETE

          Set maPageHtml = IE.document
          Set Htable = maPageHtml.getElementsByTagName(“table”) ‘objet type table

          For x = 2 To Htable.Length – 1
          Ligne = Ligne + i + 1

          Set maTable = Htable(x)

          For i = 1 To maTable.Rows.Length ‘each row in table

          For j = 1 To maTable.Rows(i – 1).Cells.Length ‘each cell in row
          Cells(Ligne + i, j) = maTable.Rows(i – 1).Cells(j – 1).innerText
          Next j

          Next i
          Next x

          Set IE = Nothing
          Next NbPages

          Application.ScreenUpdating = True
          End Sub

          Lie this code?

          • #952843

            Glad someone else was able to help you!

            • #952853

              Ok, finaly i have a code…
              But not is wat i want;-(

              1) insert in only one sheet named TABELLA all record refered from each lettere of link.
              2) insert the records start from A2
              3) insert into A1 the name of first record, into B1 the name of the second records…
              4) not import a blank line, and insert up the record of the variuos letter link

              Ony this little modify;-)

            • #952854

              I don’t understand 3) insert into A1 the name of first record, into B1 the name of the second records…
              What do you mean by that?

            • #952858

              … sorry for english.

              The name of the records:

              COMPANY NAME (A1)
              OPEN (B1)

              Naturally not import the line of each page with: BSE INDEX (not is importat in my case)

            • #952863


              Here is a variation on Michel’s code that imports everything into the TABLE worksheet. After the import, you must run another macro that removes the lines you don’t want. We have given you lots of macros that do similar things in the past, you should be able to write this one yourself.

              Sub Importer_tableauPageWeb()
              ‘MichelXld le 09.06.2005
              ‘activate Microsoft HTML Objects Library
              ‘activate Microsoft Internet Controls

              Dim IE As InternetExplorer
              Dim maPageHtml As HTMLDocument
              Dim Htable As IHTMLElementCollection
              Dim maTable As IHTMLTable
              Dim j As Integer, i As Integer, x As Integer, Ligne As Integer
              Dim NbPages As Byte
              Dim ws As Worksheet

              Application.ScreenUpdating = False
              Set ws = Worksheets(“TABLE”)
              Ligne = ws.Range(“A65536”).End(xlUp).Row

              For NbPages = 65 To 90
              i = 1
              Set IE = CreateObject(“InternetExplorer.Application”)
              IE.Visible = False
              IE.navigate “http://www.capitalmarket.com/bulletin/bsebhav.asp?var=” & Chr(NbPages)
              Do Until IE.readyState = READYSTATE_COMPLETE

              Set maPageHtml = IE.document
              Set Htable = maPageHtml.getElementsByTagName(“table”) ‘objet type table

              For x = 2 To Htable.Length – 1
              Ligne = Ligne + i + 1
              Set maTable = Htable(x)
              For i = 1 To maTable.Rows.Length ‘each row in table
              For j = 1 To maTable.Rows(i – 1).Cells.Length ‘each cell in row
              ws.Cells(Ligne + i, j) = maTable.Rows(i – 1).Cells(j – 1).innerText
              Next j
              Next i
              Next x

              Set IE = Nothing
              Next NbPages

              Application.ScreenUpdating = True
              End Sub

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