• Import excel file and merge multiple records to get 1 – Execl and Access 2003

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    OK..here is the deal.
    I have a report in excel. It SHOWS all payments made by a patient. So, a patient could have mulitple rows for the same date of service.

    I am currently subtotaling in excel, taking the total and copying it to a row of information for that patient and then deleting all other rows. SO, I have one row with a total payment.

    Is there a way for me to do this in access…ultimate goal is to get it there anyway.
    Or a smarter way in excel???


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    • #1156662

      Reports in Access can group by one or more fields. They can display summary information such as group totals in the group header or group footer.
      If you leave the Detail section of a report empty, it will *only* display summary information.

      You can also use Totals queries to summarize data.

      • #1156684

        I agree with you 100%.

        What I need is to have just one record for that date of service with a total payment field. I use Date of Service and patient ID# as primary fields.

        A patient can have more than one date of service (that is a good thing). The accouting software gives me a report with every payment and I need just a total payments for that date of service.

        • #1156686

          You can create a Totals query that returns the data you want, then (in design view) select Query | Make Table Query and specify a name for the output table. When you run the query by selecting Query | Run or by clicking the Run button on the toolbar, the records returned by the query will be saved to a table.

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