• If you want a Pixelbook, now’s the time

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    Google’s going to release a new Pixelbook one of these days, but for right now this is a deal that’s too good to pass up. To quote Google: Save $250 o
    [See the full post at: If you want a Pixelbook, now’s the time]

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    • #204027

      Still find it hard to justify spending money on an Ultrabook of any kind.  I’m still using an old Lenovo x220T as my ultra-mobile.  Other than the poor resolution on the built-in screen, it just does everything.

      That screen and keyboard are very nice though.  I’ll have to see if I can justify it…

    • #204121

      I recommend trying Linux and keep your money in your pocket.  You can install Chrome on Linux.  You can install Chrome’s apps basically making a Chromebook.

      Give it a try.

    • #204122

      Yep, I couldn’t justify it.  Power-wise in almost every category it’s a downgrade from my X220t.

      How’s Chromium OS?  That’s the community version of Chrome OS essentially, correct?

    • #204332

      Just a heads up for students of all ages, if you do online courses that utilize a learning service known as “blackboard” don’t buy a Chromebook because they don’t support Chrome OS.

      Has something to do with Chrome OS not supporting Java.

      Had to buy my daughter a Windows 10 laptop after we had bought a pixelbook, which she loves and will keep for doing lots of other things.


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