• IF function with date as logical test (Excel 2000)

    Home » Forums » AskWoody support » Productivity software by function » MS Excel and spreadsheet help » IF function with date as logical test (Excel 2000)


    One of our folks is trying to create an IF statement with a specific date and it isn’t working. For example, the function might say:
    If instead of 12/31/2000, I use a cell reference to a cell with that date in it, it works. When I enter the date in the function it doesn’t work. He says he has tried many different date formats. What are we missing here? Your help is appreciated!

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    • #892704

      12/31/2000 is not seen as a date, but as a calculation (division). Use either DATEVALUE(“12/31/2000”) or DATE(2000,12,31) instead of plain 12/31/2000. For example:


    • #892705

      12/31/2000 is not seen as a date, but as a calculation (division). Use either DATEVALUE(“12/31/2000”) or DATE(2000,12,31) instead of plain 12/31/2000. For example:


    • #893519

      Another option,


      You need to coerce the “text date” in your formula to a true date value.

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