• IF formula won’t work right (Excel 2000 SR1)

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    I’m comparing Column C to Column A – column A has ALL valid values and I want to weed out the entries in Column C that are no valid, ie. do not occur in Column A. I am using this IF statement:


    but it only returns a TRUE value when the values in Col. C and Col. A appear in the same row.
    One value appears in C106 and A111, but since they are not on the same row the formula returns a FALSE value even though it is obviously in both columns.

    How can I change this so I get a TRUE response if the cell value in Col. C appears ANYWHERE in Col. A, not just in the same row?

    Many thanks –

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    • #589691


    • #589761

      In addition to John’s formula, you could also use:
      array-entered (i.e. press Ctrl-Shift-Enter)
      Hope that helps.

    • #590196


      should be a bit more efficient.

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