• If Excel refuses to open files the way it used to, look at KB 3115322, 3115262

    Home » Forums » Newsletter and Homepage topics » If Excel refuses to open files the way it used to, look at KB 3115322, 3115262


    It’s a developer’s nightmare – MS pulls the rug out from under custom Excel solutions. InfoWorld Woody on Windows
    [See the full post at: If Excel refuses to open files the way it used to, look at KB 3115322, 3115262]

    Viewing 5 reply threads
    • #38862

      Protected Mode for Internet Explorer and Office suite can create weird behaviour.
      Yesterday I had something similar happening with a Windows 7 machine on which I could not download patches from Microsoft Download site with IE configured as it is the default with Protected Mode for the Internet Zone. I worked around it by temporarily disabling Protected Mode.
      I am not recommending this setting to be configured either way, but sometimes Security is just a cover to protect companies from law suits “just in case”. The computers still need to be functional.

    • #38863

      Have experienced the problem with Windows 10 and Office 2016 & 2013 and Windows 8.1 and Office 2010. Checking the “Unblocking” box in the file properties fixes the issue, but is a pain because it must be applied to each individual xls file exported and downloaded from Salesforce…

    • #38864

      As Saleforce downloads xls files to the download directory through IE, Chrome or Edge, when I added the directory to the trusted location in Excel it fixed the problem

    • #38865

      Good news.

    • #38866

      @John, how did you do that, “added the directory to the trusted location in Excel”?

    • #38867
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    Reply To: If Excel refuses to open files the way it used to, look at KB 3115322, 3115262

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