• I Just Knowingly Obliterated Adobe Photoshop & Creative Cloud on my Machine

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    I was paying them $10 monthly to use only Photoshop. The tipping point came when Adobe wanted me to log into Creative Cloud each and every time I used Photoshop. Nope. Not gonna do it.

    Of course, Adobe’s long-known-to-be-heinously-bloated softwares wouldn’t uninstall smoothly or easily. So I simply removed it all with Revo Uninstaller. Bye-bye. Done.

    And I installed Krita to try it out, after having sussed things out using this article, 20 Best Free Photoshop Alternatives You Should Try.

    I’m posting this in Windows 10 ’cause I saw no other alternative section. Merci!

    Human, who sports only naturally-occurring DNA ~ oneironaut ~ broadcaster

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    • #2432105

      And… PS. Task Manager now shows the PC is using 6% less RAM. Down to 17% from 23%. Bye-bye Adobe.

      Human, who sports only naturally-occurring DNA ~ oneironaut ~ broadcaster

    • #2432112

      PPS… and forget Adobe Reader! I’ve been using Tracker Software’s PDF-XChange Editor for many years. Very good support, and their software simply works and does what it’s supposed to.

      Human, who sports only naturally-occurring DNA ~ oneironaut ~ broadcaster

      2 users thanked author for this post.
    • #2432173

      PPS… and forget Adobe Reader! I’ve been using Tracker Software’s PDF-XChange Editor for many years. Very good support, and their software simply works and does what it’s supposed to.

      +1 ….. Can’t imagine a nicer, more helpful Sppt Forum than PDF-X.

      W10 Pro 22H2 / Hm-Stdnt Ofce '16 C2R / Macrium Pd vX / GP=2 + FtrU=Semi-Annual + Feature Defer = 1 + QU = 0

    • #2432215

      Just letting you know the link in your first post appears to be broken/incomplete.
      Based on Brave search, I think this is the link you intended to post:


      In any case, thanks for the topic. I keep meaning to go look for image editing programs that aren’t from Adobe (I’m too cheap) and aren’t GIMP, as I just can’t get comfortable with it.

      In the meantime I just keep getting the basics done with the free program Irfanview[/url] (don’t forget the free plugin pack)
      which I have loved for many years.

      3 users thanked author for this post.
    • #2432429

      It seems that Adobe doesn’t know when they have a good thing.  They ruined Acrobat Reader by turning it into a bloated memory hog that wanted you to use the cloud.  I liked how the older versions were before the “DC” version.  I got rid of the A Reader years ago.

      Being 20 something in the 70's was far more fun than being 70 something in the insane 20's
      2 users thanked author for this post.
    • #2432438

      It seems that Adobe doesn’t know when they have a good thing.  They ruined Acrobat Reader by turning it into a bloated memory hog that wanted you to use the cloud.  I liked how the older versions were before the “DC” version.  I got rid of the A Reader years ago.

      Thank you. I’d removed Reader and Acrobat long enough ago that I don’t recall when. This morn when I booted my desktop it showed 16% RAM use while idling. Before removing Adobe’s Creative Suite and Photoshop (using Revo Uninstaller) it idled at 23-24%.

      My experience with Adobe goes back to the days when PageMaker 6.x was still in use. I migrated an animation art sales company of 25 people to desktop publishing, instead of making color copies of brochures on the highest volume Xerox copier in Los Angeles area.

      Human, who sports only naturally-occurring DNA ~ oneironaut ~ broadcaster

    • #2432450

      when I booted my desktop it showed 16% RAM use while idling.

      When I boot/restart my laptop is shows 1% when idling.
      I am running Kaspersky, HitManPro Alert, Acronis, Apple’s mobile..and more at startup.
      What do you run at startup ?

      1 user thanked author for this post.
      • #2432516

        By the way, how much RAM do you have installed?  This will affect the percentage occupancy at idle.

        • #2432558

          I have 16GB of RAM (I think its the minimum required to run Windows 10..properly.)

        • #2446377

          32 GB

          Human, who sports only naturally-occurring DNA ~ oneironaut ~ broadcaster

      • #2446376

        I run more stuff than you do at Startup, although some of them I’ve set to Delayed Startup.

        Human, who sports only naturally-occurring DNA ~ oneironaut ~ broadcaster

    • #2432618

      I have 16GB of RAM (I think its the minimum required to run Windows 10..properly.)

      Personally I think that’s a lot but that’s just my opinion.  I’m running Win 7, 64 bit on 4GB of RAM and Linux Mint Cinnamon 19.1, 32 bit on 2GB.  They both run properly, or as I would put it – quickly.

      Being 20 something in the 70's was far more fun than being 70 something in the insane 20's
    • #2446375

      I use the free portable Sumatra PDF.

      I’d not heard about Sumatra thanks. Since forever I’ve also used PDF reDirect as a PDF printer/file assembly tool. It works great.

      Human, who sports only naturally-occurring DNA ~ oneironaut ~ broadcaster

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