• Hyperlinks


    Where does Word 97 store the history of hyperlinks? Deleting Normal.dot does not clean them out.

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    • #515887

      I believe they are stored as a part of IE history. Try clearing your IE history and see if it has any effect.

      • #516124

        Hi Doug & Charles:

        I have Word 2000, but they may be the same. I think the list is composed of more than one list: there’s one for recently browsed pages, recent links, & recent files. If I find where each of these come from, I’ll post back.

        • #516130

          Do a Find or Search on ALL of your hard drives for “Recent” and you will be surprised at what is listed where.

          I am running Windows 98 and Windows 2000 dual boot with MS Office 2000.

          DaveA I am so far behind, I think I am First
          Genealogy....confusing the dead and annoying the living

          • #516173

            Excellent observation, Dave. Of the 3 catagories in the hyperlink dialog box (the one that opens when you press Ctrl+K), I now know at least one of the sources:

            Recent files: “C:WINDOWSApplication DataMicrosoftOfficeRecent”

            As far as browsed pages catagory, it doesn’t appear to follow IE history exactly. It inlcudes all web pages browsed, whether IE, Netscape, or Opera. It also inlcudes *.htm files that have been opened locally. I still haven’t had time to track that down.

            Inserted Links: Haven’t figured that one out either but I know it’s updated constantly. The screen tip listed under this topic on my machine currently is this very message that I’m composing.

            • #516247

              You will find that there is a ‘Recent’ sub folder for each account when using Windows 2000, so if one is using profiles in the other OS’s I think one may find some there also. The following are from my Windows 2000 hard drive.

              F:Documents and SettingsAdministratorRecent
              F:Documents and SettingsAdministratorApplication DataMicrosoftOfficeRecent
              F:Documents and SettingsAdministratorLocal SettingsHistory

              F:Documents and SettingsDaveARecent
              F:Documents and SettingsDaveAApplication DataMicrosoftOfficeRecent
              F:Documents and SettingsDaveALocal SettingsHistory

              As for the history a copy is also found in the Default User folder. This copy is a listing of ALL users history.
              F:Documents and SettingsDefault UserLocal SettingsHistory

              DaveA I am so far behind, I think I am First
              Genealogy....confusing the dead and annoying the living

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