• How to set the time in Linux


    I have an Alcatel PABX based on a Linux box – its getting the time wrong by three minutes so I need to set the time.
    Its years since I managed a Unix system – can anyone tell me off-hand what the command is for resetting the system time (or synching it to a network source?

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    • #898808

      In a cron job, I use this:

      ntpdate -u timeserver

      if you have internet, just to test, try this:

      ntpdate -u timex.cs.columbia.edu

      Yoy may not need the -u. its for firewalls.

    • #898809

      In a cron job, I use this:

      ntpdate -u timeserver

      if you have internet, just to test, try this:

      ntpdate -u timex.cs.columbia.edu

      Yoy may not need the -u. its for firewalls.

    • #898810

      Also, here’s the manual date command if you don’t have net access

      date 07312316

      July 31, 11:16p


      date 073123162004 if you need to change the year.

    • #898811

      Also, here’s the manual date command if you don’t have net access

      date 07312316

      July 31, 11:16p


      date 073123162004 if you need to change the year.

    • #898812

      Sorry, you may want to find a local ntp server instead of the one I suggested. I just looked and we are from different sides of the planet.

      • #898816

        Thanks for those full responses – they’ll get me on track.

      • #898817

        Thanks for those full responses – they’ll get me on track.

    • #898813

      Sorry, you may want to find a local ntp server instead of the one I suggested. I just looked and we are from different sides of the planet.

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