• How to read a formula (Excel 2000)


    I have a Word document with an Excel Spreadsheet copied into it.

    It has a formula in it to work out Stamp Duty (which has recently changed) and I need to find out where the original excel document is so I can change the limit.

    This is the formula =VLOOKUP(C4,StampDuty,2,TRUE).

    Can I find out from this where I need to go to change the Stamp Duty limit?

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    • #1009413

      First, click outside the Excel object to make sure it’s not active.
      Then right-click it and select Worksheet Object | Open to open it in Excel.
      Select Insert | Name | Define…
      Click on StampDuty to see its definition.
      You can also press Ctrl+G, click on StampDuty and click OK.
      When you’re done, select File | Close and Return to

      • #1009416

        Thanks Hans

        Have done this.

        Have changed the document it listed – but its not doing what I want. If I do it in the original document it works – but it doesnt work in the one in the Word document. Any further thoughts?


        • #1009418

          Did you do it in the sheet of the embedded excel document?

          Dbl-click the embedded document and it should open excel, edit it in there.


          • #1009419

            I double clicked on it before I did the testing.

            It doesnt open properly in Excel – its still in Word but opens a bit of Excel round the edge?

            • #1009440

              When you double click it in Word, you should be able to go to Insert>Name>Define and change it there.

            • #1009501

              (Edited by macropod on 13-Apr-06 08:42. Added comment about multiple worksheets in embedded object.)

              Hi Carolyn,

              The “bit of Excel round the edge” is actually the full-blown Excel application. From what you’ve described, the formula isn’t pointing to an external workbook, so the StampDuty range will be in there somewhere. If you click on F5 (Goto) and type in (or select) ‘StampDuty’ the embedded worksheet should scroll to that range. After making your changes, you’ll need to scroll back again before exiting the embedded object. Note that the ‘StampDuty’ range may actually be on a different worksheet in the same embedded object, so you might even need to change sheets to get back to yoyr starting point.

              Paul Edstein
              [Fmr MS MVP - Word]

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