• How to put a picture ("Avatar") on your replies

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    The AskWoody Lounge recognizes avatars published on the Globally Recognized Avatar (Gravatar) web site.

    Here’s a video to demonstrate what’s happening:


    Gravatar is owned by WordPress.com, which is the company that makes the software used for the Lounge.

    To create an avatar, go to the web site, click on Create Your Own Gravatar, and follow the instructions to associate your email address with a picture. All it takes is a picture and a few minutes.

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by Susan Bradley.
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    • #27738

      OR, if you have an Avatar on your Gmail Account and you use it to sign up, Woody’s site picks it up Automagically.

      That is how mine appeared 😀

      Best Regards,



      1. Tower Totals: 2xSSD ~512GB, 2xHHD 20 TB, Memory 32GB

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      1. NUC 5i7 2cores, 4 Thread, Memory 8GB, 3.1 GHz, M2SSD 140GB
      1xOS W8.1 Pro, NAS Dependent, Same Sony above.


      3 users thanked author for this post.
    • #27868

      Testing testing . . .

      Hmmm. I might need to make some changes to my G+ . . .

      ~ Group "Weekend" ~

    • #27931

      Hello Woody!
      The video on this didn’t link in a usable way (not even a cut and paste)… Not a real link or video at this time?

      “Here’s a video to demonstrate what’s happening:

      [wpvideo HNyK67JS]”

      Non-techy Win 10 Pro and Linux Mint experimenter

      1 user thanked author for this post.
      • #27937

        ARGH. I’ll fix it. Thanks!

        2 users thanked author for this post.
      • #28000

        Got fixed fast!

        Non-techy Win 10 Pro and Linux Mint experimenter

    • #28967

      Well success! on the log in.

      Is the Gravatar the ONLY avatar format accepted, or can we use the 80×80 pixel jpg image used by other forum software?

      Not a big issue, but I much prefer to keep my avatars unique to an individual site, and separate from anything allowing links to any social media sites.

      So far the Lounge looks very promising. Far easier to search for a topic even with just viewing a list. I have not tried using a search engine.

      • #28992

        Is the Gravatar the ONLY avatar format accepted

        Yes, as far as I am aware. It is part of WordPress, so comes as part of the package.

    • #90680

      I would like an avatar, but would not like to have it linked to my email address. Is that possible?


      • #90693

        Nope. Best suggestion I have is to set up a bogus one-time free email address, and use that to link to your avatar on Gravatar.

      • #90694

        I suspect that an “unlinked” avatar is not possible– one’s email address seems to be the indexing token that Gravatar uses for lookup.

        The inelegant workaround I used was to generate an email address just for askwoody.com, and then set up a gravatar for that.

    • #90742

      On the subject of Gravatar security concerns:

      (From WordFence, the security arm of WordPress & Gravatar)

      4 users thanked author for this post.
      • #90750

        Thanks to all. I think I am going to have to forgo an avatar. I work very hard at maintaining my anonymity.


        5 users thanked author for this post.
        • #90755

          Might I suggest a signature in your profile then?

          • #91206

            How would you do that Kirsty? Sounds interesting! LT

            Further to this: I got your reply Kirsty by email but I don’t see it here….
            strange!! Thank you for it………. I’ve been in and can see where to insert/apply
            a signature. Will have to think this through as to what I would like……… as my
            signature is v. minimal!!! But as I said thanks for getting back so quickly! LT

            1 user thanked author for this post.
            • #91241

              It’s really quite easy to add a signature.

              1. You need to be logged in first
              2. Go to your profile, by clicking on your user name (upper right corner, or on any of your posts)
              3. Click Edit, at the bottom of the menu on the left
              4. Scroll down to Your Forum Signature, and enter the text in there. It accepts basic BBCodes – the Text Formatting codes on this phpbb.com link seem to work.
              5. Click Update at the bottom of the page, and you’re done. Every post you have already created in the new Lounge will now sport your choice of signature.

              This can also be achieved in the dashboard, as mentioned on How to Remotely Log Out from Askwoody.com.

              I see some people have been adding their computer’s configuration to their signatures.

              It took me a couple of tries to get the formatting to work, due to my being new to BBCodes, but trial and error won out.

              PS if the instructions aren’t clear, I’d hope you’d post back any problems you encountered, thanks.

              1 user thanked author for this post.
            • #91282

              Well duh…….. to me….. reason I couldn’t see it was that I had been sitting on the page
              for a little while and should have refreshed it!!!
              Et voila I see it now! Thanks Kirsty!
              Also have spotted your signature and see how it stands out quite well…….. lots of possiblities
              there! LT

            • #91283

              Thanks LT. I’ve now added that to Tips for Using the Lounge.
              i look forward to seeing what you create – have fun!

              2 users thanked author for this post.
        • #91446

          I liked my arabic arch avatar.

          If debian is good enough for NASA...
    • #90799

      I did find that not only does Gravatar need an email address, but it also needs to have ad-blocking and flash-blocking extensions disabled. I use Linux and my email address (the one I use in forums) is all over the Internet, including online shopping sites. So I don’t worry, and just let fly with an old photo I’ve used on my PC for a login to an account for awhile now. it’s always nice to be able not to be too anonymous!

      -- rc primak

    • #91512

      Well been having a bit of fun making a signature for myself………. but for the life of me haven’t been able to get it to work…….. I have uploaded it to my website and can stream from there on my html editor……… so that part is working……… but cannot seem to manage to get in into Word Press except as an attachment as per here…. I’ve been hunting up and trying ways….. and it’s not working. Wondering if we’re able to do this per the signature area in the user dashboard, and
      if so does anyone know what the code is…… I’ve tried the wordpress code for images and url links and there’s obviously something I’m missing…. if we’re able to do this of course!! LT


      • #91603

        We only have access to simple BBCodes, and I suspect you may be asking more than it can deliver.

        I always enjoy your grahics 🙂

        • #91791

          Thanks Kirsty, thought that might be the case ………. it’s not a big deal…. but was fun having a go!!! And thanks too for your thumbs up about the graphics!!! I actually have a Google Group that I send my ‘mists’ to (they are shares for those who use PSP/PS and who can then do their own creations with them)……….. and must say do enjoy that part of life a lot!!! My bolt hole from reality! But the ones I share here are usually ones I’ve received/snagged etc…..but hopefully always have a slant on things!!! LT

          If you want your children to be brilliant, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be geniuses, read them more fairy tales.
          – Albert Einstein

          1 user thanked author for this post.
    • #171593

      OR, if you have an Avatar on your Gmail Account and you use it to sign up, Woody’s site picks it up Automagically. That is how mine appeared ? Best Regards, Crysta

      I have an avatar on my Google(+)/Gmail account and I used it to sign up, where’s the Automagic? What Google account settings are required? I’m not hiding anything but my real name, address, DOB, etc… AFAIK!

      Someone already used “Schnarph” on Gravatar/Wordpress, so that won’t work. I go to the trouble of making an 8 letter name with one vowel over 15 years ago with no results on Google search, yet these days I can barely use it for a new account anywhere…

    • #310577

      I am testing the avatar thing, how long does it take? I have entered a secondary email at wordpress that is my woody email, should that work ??

      PS what scripts must be authorized for this to work. I let all the ad related ones (except doubleclick) work here…


      Just because you don't know where you are going doesn't mean any road will get you there.
      • #310590

        I believe you have to set up the Avatar on the Gravatar website and use the same email address as you have on AskWoody. See the link at the top of the page.

      • #310645


        I just now put my Avatar on here and it was instantaneous once I finished getting through the hurdles of trying to figure out how to do it, LOL.

        Don't take yourself so seriously, no one else does 🙂
        All W10 Pro at 22H2,(2 Desktops, 1 Laptop).

    • #310656

      I believe you have to set up the Avatar on the Gravatar website and use the same email address as you have on AskWoody. See the link at the top of the page.

      I have entered a secondary email at wordpress that is my woody email

      The question is does the secondary email work?
      Not yet at least… 🙁


      Just because you don't know where you are going doesn't mean any road will get you there.
      • #310659

        PKCano’s right.

        WordPress looks at your email address – not your AskWoody username – and sees if Gravatar has an avatar listed for that email address.

        So whichever email address is in your Askwoody profile is the one you need to stick in Gravatar.

        2 users thanked author for this post.
        • #310724

          The question is does the secondary email work?


          Just because you don't know where you are going doesn't mean any road will get you there.
          • #310730

            I seem to remember there may be a place on Gravatar to associate the Avatar with a website (if the email addresses are the same). Perhaps linking  with the a site (AskWoody url or dot-com address). I had two addresses on Gravatar.
            But it’s been a long time since I set mine up and things may be different now.

        • #310746

          Today when I signed up at wordpress/gravatar, I had to go to user profile and input AWdotcom in the url box and put my AW username in the details box before it would show here on the site.

          Don't take yourself so seriously, no one else does 🙂
          All W10 Pro at 22H2,(2 Desktops, 1 Laptop).

        • #311608

          Can it be possible to just upload a picture (.jpg) to your profile?

          2 users thanked author for this post.
          • #311644

            I wish there were, but unfortunately you will have to follow the directions and do it through Gravatar/Wordpress.

            Don't take yourself so seriously, no one else does 🙂
            All W10 Pro at 22H2,(2 Desktops, 1 Laptop).

        • #314574

          I am probably terminally stupid and need things spelling out in words of one syllable.

          When signing up for a Gravatar, there are three fields on the first screen, which is as far as I’ve looked!
          Your email address – some posts above Woody says this should be my AskWoody email address
          Choose a username – I assume this is my Gravatar/WordPress username, NOT my AskWoody username
          Choose a password – I assume this is my Gravatar/WordPress password, NOT my AskWoody password

          Am I correct? Thanks!


          Plethora means a lot to me.

          • #314597

            I believe that is correct. Then you have to associate the picture with the email address you used to register as AskWoody.

    • #310660

      Is there any consideration being given to uploading an avatar directly to AskWoody? Setting up a Gravatar account just to have an avatar here seems like another potential exposure of privacy and for email spammers to reverse encrypt my email from the md5 hash that is exposed on the source code for a page. I know this has been discussed online for years and I’m not sure Gravatar has done anything to-date.


      Win10 Pro x64 22H2, Win10 Home 22H2, Linux Mint + a cat with 'tortitude'.

      2 users thanked author for this post.
      • #310666

        Somewhere in the back of my mind I remember that if you have a Gmail/Google Avatar that it will show up if the email address on AskWoody is the same. But I can’t confirm that.

        (You see, I have a good memory, it’s just not very long)

        1 user thanked author for this post.
        • #310679

          Yep. I know that one. I can’t remember the last time I forgot… 🙂

          Alas, I’m registered here with a hotmail email, so my avatar will remain ‘mystery man’ for now.

          Win10 Pro x64 22H2, Win10 Home 22H2, Linux Mint + a cat with 'tortitude'.

          1 user thanked author for this post.
    • #310736

      Somewhere in the back of my mind I remember that if you have a Gmail/Google Avatar that it will show up if the email address on AskWoody is the same. But I can’t confirm that.

      I can confirm that.  I’ve had a Gravatar (I can’t remember how long) using the same email address that I used when I registered here in December in anticipation of the merger (the same email address I used for Windows Secrets).  My Gravatar popped right up.

      Always create a fresh drive image before making system changes/Windows updates; you may need to start over!
      We all have our own reasons for doing the things that we do with our systems; we don't need anyone's approval, and we don't all have to do the same things.
      We were all once "Average Users".

      1 user thanked author for this post.
    • #310745

      And the answer is Yes , when you do it right!!
      in the Manage Gravatars section,
      select the secondary email :1. Pick email to modify
      input new image : 2. Pick new image


      regrettably gravatar changes my GIF to a JPEG and the dynamic part is lost 🙁


      Just because you don't know where you are going doesn't mean any road will get you there.
      1 user thanked author for this post.
    • #310749

      Not sure what is going on but I clicked submit on a reply post and it just completely disappeared !!!

      Don't take yourself so seriously, no one else does 🙂
      All W10 Pro at 22H2,(2 Desktops, 1 Laptop).

      • #310765

        You got caught in the spam bucket. I restored it.
        Don’t know it you tried to edit, but sometimes if you edit too fast before the system has finished the posting process, it will do that.

        2 users thanked author for this post.
        • #311648

          Nope, it wasn’t an edit, it was a reply.

          Don't take yourself so seriously, no one else does 🙂
          All W10 Pro at 22H2,(2 Desktops, 1 Laptop).

          1 user thanked author for this post.
    • #315440

      Decided to give the Gravatar a trial. Buttoned it down as much as I could.

      This is my highly intelligent, always engaged, thinks she’s a human, tortoise shell cat — sitting at attention. She has no shortage of tortitude….  😉

      Win10 Pro x64 22H2, Win10 Home 22H2, Linux Mint + a cat with 'tortitude'.

      2 users thanked author for this post.
    • #317447

      I never use my real email.

      I use + method (which is supported at least Gmail and Outlook)

      So, I registered using myemail+askw@gmail.com (so, I know how to blame if you leak email address)
      Of course, avatar did not work because its not same.

      So, i needed register to WordPress one more time, and this time i used myemail+askwavatar@gmail.com

      I have million (ok, maybe no) WordPress account because if this stupid linkin.

      (myemail is not my real email address)

      1 user thanked author for this post.
    • #328757

      Now I know why I don’t have an avatar here. I only put one up where there is another option besides Gravatar. I’ll settle for something in the signature line.

      Got coffee?

      1 user thanked author for this post.
    • #332027

      Ah well, I’ll go without. I hate with a passion being asked by a site to create an account on another site just to perform the most basic of functions on the first site. Not the fault of anyone here, the system is what it is, but it really shouldn’t be necessary. Signatures aren’t really an answer either, as I find that they distract from the actual content in a post. I tend to disable them whenever possible so as to avoid that.

      Not that I’m usually grumpy mind, it’s just that I find this kind of thing frustrating!

      4 users thanked author for this post.
    • #1135169

      I wish WordPress would make Gravatar just an option for those who wish to market themselves publicly across multiple websites, and offer an alternative single use avatar for those that wish to remain private, and not be tracked across websites.

      Windows 10 Pro 22H2

      2 users thanked author for this post.
    • #2040541

      Hoping someone can help guide me through obtaining a non-photo avatar. I went to the Gravatar website and managed to sign up/register but saw no “easy” way to obtain/ assign an avatar. I can see what appears to be an easy way to upload a photo from my computer but that’s not what I want to do. Just want some sort of carton character like some others. And now when I go to their website, I don’t even see the option to “create your own avatar” which I do recall seeing previously but that I believe lead me to some real technical page which talked about having to do some “hashing” and to me, something like having to use machine language!

      If this is too much to ask, please don’t even respond. I would really rather get technical help on reinstalling my OS and with being able to install the correct updates. Besides I think I did figure out how to add a “signature” which I hope shows up below after I hit submit.

      Craig L.
      1) Win7 -> Win8.1 Pro, 64bit, Group B
      2) Win7 Home, 64bit -> Group W
      (hoping to reinstall each)

      • #2040548

        You can have any picture that you have on your computer, or is accessible from your computer, to upload and use for an Avatar. It doesn’t have t be a photograph (see mine as an example).
        But you have to associate the picture on Gravatar with the email address you used on AskWoody (the same email address) to be able to tie the picture to this site.

    • #2040554

      Ok thanks PKCano. I was thinking I could get those non-photo avatars from Gravatar’s website. Silly me!

      Craig L.
      1) Win7 -> Win8.1 Pro, 64bit, Group B
      2) Win7 Home, 64bit -> Group W
      (hoping to reinstall each)

    • #2272914

      Hi Woody.

      I read through this thread to Jan 2020 and am inclined to agree with most comments.

      Me? I’d like my Avatar to be unique to this lounge, and while I understand that this site is run on WordPress/Gravatar – it is what it is – I remain puzzled about a post that suggested if my GMail address was in use then my GMail Avatar would show up.

      To date my Gmail avatar has not shown up.

      Three further comments:-

      (1) Using my Gmail avatar is really no different from Gravatar; I do not end up with an avatar unique to AskWoody. I have an avatar on AskWoody that is identical to an avatar on Gmail (instead of an avatar on AskWoody that is identical to an avatar on Gravatar)

      (2) Setting up a special email address for AskWoody/Gravatar defeats the purpose of having my Real eMail address here so that members can email me.

      (3) Having a special AskWoody email would mean checking TWO gMail,accounts daily.

      Have I got that right?


      Unless you're in a hurry, just wait.

      1 user thanked author for this post.
      • #2273238

        G-Mail makes it relatively easy to forward one account to another… so you would only need to check one account?

        Non-techy Win 10 Pro and Linux Mint experimenter

    • #2335813

      I would like to set up at the Gravatar site, but the doesn’t recognize my email address.  I started to create an account at the Gravatar site, but it says my user name is already in use.

      What do I do now.  If it doesn’t recognize my email address, how will it associate my picture with my account?  How does it have my user ID and not my email address.

      Please help.


      HTH, Dana:))

      • #2335844

        As you know the email, try resetting your password on the Gravatar site.

        cheers, Paul

    • #2336145

      When I put my email address in the site does not recognize my email address.  The site also does not recognize my user ID but, when I try to set up an account, it says my user ID is already in use.

      I don’t understand how my users ID is not recognized and already in use?  I need help with my account so I can login at Gravatar.

      HTH, Dana:))

      • #2336193

        Is there a possibility that someone else has already used your userid? Unlikely if it’s Drcard:)) I grant, but I don’t think you’ve mentioned what it is.

        Eliminate spare time: start programming PowerShell

      • #2336200

        The ID=username is WSdrcard.
        The Display Name is Drcard:))

        It is the ID you have to use for Gravatar, along with the email address you used to sign up for AskWoody.
        The Display name does not count.

        1 user thanked author for this post.
    • #2336301

      Thanks for answering.

      I’ve tried the WSdrcard and the site says “User does not exist. Would you like to create an account?”

      I get the same message with using my email address I signed up with and which I receive the news letter to.

      The site does not recognize my ID or email address.  What now?

      HTH, Dana:))

      • #2336361

        I created an account on Gravatar. Uploaded the graphic I wanted.You should limit any other visible personal information.

        It’s been a long time since I did that, but I think there was a place to reference the AskWoody website.

    • #2516264

      Just a test; I don’t think Gravatar is working for me…

      • #2516493

        I found out why it didn’t seem to work…  Ages ago I added the email address I use to login at AskWoody to Gravatar as a secondary email address (because the email address I’ve used to  login to Gravatar for the last 8+ years is different from the one I use here), and replied to the confirmation email that Gravatar sent me.

        Ever since then, when I’ve logged-in to Gravatar it has shown me that I had one primary email address registered with them, and one secondary.  But whenever I used their “check” page to test each address to see what image would be returned for it, it only ever showed “my” image for the primary email address.  The “check” page is at: https://en.gravatar.com/site/check/

        Today I found that if, on the Gravatar page which shows you your registered email addresses, you click on the line that displays the secondary address – to “select it” – then you can click on the “2. Pick new image” option shown underneath and choose an image to use with that secondary email address.  It never occurred to me that that choice would be possible because I thought that they only stored one image for me – the one associated with the primary address – and that defining secondary addresses just defined extra ways to access the only defined image.

        As soon as I’d updated the secondary email address’s image so it was no longer the default Gravatar one, and refreshed a page here at AskWoody, my avatar image finally showed-up here.

        1 user thanked author for this post.
    • #2562208

      Hey, like some of you, I’m not in awe of the fact that I have to create an account on another site. However, I was puzzled and found your advice helpful. Thank you all for this thread!

      You will face many defeats in life, but never let yourself be defeated.

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