I’ve spent many hours trying to reserach what would seem a simple issue that many seem to have but haven’t found solution.
In Word 2010 – NEW – I have 7 customized templates I select from – they are in “MY Templates” folder and in a separate drive/path so I know where they are.
But I don’t need to see “Blog post” (I never blog and have no idea where it is – not with my custome ones and not sure why its even there) Sample Templates I could care less about, Recent Templates – don’t need never use… or a few others. It seems Blog may have gotten stuck there since I looked at it once and now I have to see it there forever?
I tried the way via change Registery entry in the some Installation entry. It lists all the orignally installed templates but no clue how to get rid of the folders/templates listed in “Available Templates” It lists zillions of templates and seems can only delete one at a time…
I can ignore the ones below office.com templates but it would be nice to have a way to clean up available and get rid of those and folders that just are a nusiance to have there.
I keep thinking I must be overlooking something simple.. but I sure can’t find how get rid of them.
It seems it was easier pre Word 2007 by checking somewhere what you wanted to see but now seems as MVP forum somewhere pointed out that option is no longer available. But other than the registery think all the MVP’s had no good answers 🙁
One post says (another forum)
In the previous versions of Office, we can uninstall the Wizard and Templates from the control panel > Add/Remove Programs.
However, in Office 2010, we are unable to remove the feature currently. (that is not very helpful!)