• How to get rid of Word 2010 Available Templates?

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    I’ve spent many hours trying to reserach what would seem a simple issue that many seem to have but haven’t found solution.

    In Word 2010 – NEW – I have 7 customized templates I select from – they are in “MY Templates” folder and in a separate drive/path so I know where they are.

    But I don’t need to see “Blog post” (I never blog and have no idea where it is – not with my custome ones and not sure why its even there) Sample Templates I could care less about, Recent Templates – don’t need never use… or a few others. It seems Blog may have gotten stuck there since I looked at it once and now I have to see it there forever?

    I tried the way via change Registery entry in the some Installation entry. It lists all the orignally installed templates but no clue how to get rid of the folders/templates listed in “Available Templates” It lists zillions of templates and seems can only delete one at a time…

    I can ignore the ones below office.com templates but it would be nice to have a way to clean up available and get rid of those and folders that just are a nusiance to have there.

    I keep thinking I must be overlooking something simple.. but I sure can’t find how get rid of them.

    It seems it was easier pre Word 2007 by checking somewhere what you wanted to see but now seems as MVP forum somewhere pointed out that option is no longer available. But other than the registery think all the MVP’s had no good answers 🙁

    One post says (another forum)
    In the previous versions of Office, we can uninstall the Wizard and Templates from the control panel > Add/Remove Programs.

    However, in Office 2010, we are unable to remove the feature currently. (that is not very helpful!)

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    • #1313202

      See Templates. http://addbalance.com/usersguide/templates.htm#NewTemplatesDialog

      The simple way is to add the command to your QAT.

      At the end of the QAT is a down triangle. Click on it and select More commands.

      Look in All Commands.

      What you want to add is New Document or Template (classic FileNewDialog).

      You can also make Ctrl-N give you this option instead of a new blank document (or Ctrl-Shift-N) by customizing the keyboard shortcut. You’ll find the button to do this on the Customize the Ribbon dialog. (Right-click on the Ribbon.)

      This was one of the first things I did when I got Word 2010. On those rare occasions that I actually want the other choices, File > New is still available.

    • #1313211


      I don’t know how to get rid of the built-in templates but as far as making your templates available you have 2 choices.
      Copy them here: C:Users[Your UserId Here]AppDataRoamingMicrosoftTemplates (you can see some of my templates in the explorer graphic below) or
      In Word goto File->Options->Advanced->File Locations… and change the User templates Directory as highlighted below. :cheers:

      May the Forces of good computing be with you!


      PowerShell & VBA Rule!
      Computer Specs

    • #1313430

      I found this on the Internet and can’t remember where — probably an MVP site — my apologies to the author.

      This is a registry tweak. Use regedit to expand to


      Select individual keys and rename them to remove individual templates, or rename the top level key (8F622… etc) to remove them all, including the tabs. Add the word “NOT” to the start of the key to make this easily reversible.
      HTH, Kim

      • #1313994

        The simple way is to add the command to your QAT.

        Nice one Charles, thanks.

        Use regedit to … rename the top level key (8F622… etc) to remove them all

        This removed the tabs, but otherwise left all the junk templates in File > New. Using Word 2010 Pro.

        Alienware Aurora R6; Win10 Home x64 1803; Office 365 x32
        i7-7700; GeForce GTX 1060; 16GB DDR4 2400; 1TB SSD, 256GB SSD, 4TB HD

        • #1314163

          This removed the tabs, but otherwise left all the junk templates in File > New. Using Word 2010 Pro.

          Yes, unfortunately, the new File > New dialog still displays templates from the internet. And you still need to click on My Templates to get to your templates. I especially dislike the new File > New dialog because it adds extra clicks to what used to be a very quick process. So I display the original File > New dialog and put that on the QAT. Charles mentioned it above.

          Find the New Document or Template… command in the All Commands list. This will display the “classic” File > New dialog.

          If you do this, do you still see other tabs/templates? Can you provide a screen shot so we can see what you’re seeing?


          • #1314274

            Another option that’s available if you’re willing to do a little Ribbon customization and programming in a global template, is to leave the built-in ‘New’ tab alone and add your own ‘My Templates’ or ‘[FirmName] Templates’ tab just above the built-in New tab. If you have a limited number of custom templates you can create buttons for each one in the new custom tab.


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