Running Windows 7
I have the following batch file that I run from the desktop and it works OK
The problem I’m having is that is leaving two tasks open at the bottom of the screen, 1 for the batch file and 1 for the Access program once loaded
How do I alter this batch file so the task for the batch file is closed once Access is loaded?
del C:NbsA2kFe*.ldb
COPY F:appsnbsbuildMast_prgBUILD15.MDB C:NbsA2kFeBuild.mdb
COPY “F:appsnbsbuildMast_prgUD_DbPrg.MDB” C:NbsA2kFe
COPY “F:appsnbsbuildMast_prgstrStorage.dll” C:NbsA2kFe
COPY “F:appsnbsbuildMast_prgDynaPdf.dll” C:NbsA2kFe
“C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft OfficeOffice15MSACCESS.EXE” “C:NbsA2kFeBuild.mdb” /cmd “CNFBLD”