• How Download Entire Issue of AskWoody Plus Newsletter

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    Is it possible to download an issue of AskWoody Plus Newsletters and AskWoody Newsletters?  If so, how?

    Doing so would save much time cut and pasting individual articles from an issue of the newsletter.

    Thank you.

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    • #2265148

      Not sure if this is helpful or not. I am able to easily print an entire newsletter to pdf using Chrome’s browser. Only the article’s content displays in the pdf file, not the recent reply right side pane.

      2 users thanked author for this post.
    • #2265159

      There is no “download” option, but you can save the webpage (the link to which can be found on each AskWoody page’s top menu bar) as a .pdf, or whatever other format suits you.

      • #2265636

        Thanks for the response.

        I don’t understand what you are saying.

        When I click on the link you provided, the list of all the newsletters by date displays.  Are you suggesting that I then click on one newsletter, then, one page at a time, save each page as a html or a pdf?   Wouldn’t it be simpler then to just highlight the entire issue and copy and paste?


        • #2265659

          The dates, when clicked on, brings up the entire newsletter, on one page, for that particular week. The ones tagged on the left with the Plus emblem, are accessible to Plus members. The others are Free editions. You can save the entire page to PDF (I use FireShot), and edit out individual articles as desired… or you can save a particular article as a selection… or you can open individual articles through their links, and save those pages? Copy/paste would be more tedious, from my point of view, and might have some difficulty when it comes to formatting, whereas PDF looks like the original newsletter.

          Non-techy Win 10 Pro and Linux Mint experimenter

          1 user thanked author for this post.
          • #2266225

            Appreciate your responding and clarification.  I’ll keep Fireshot in mind.  I ended up using the Chrome/Print/save to a pdf solution suggested above by Sueska.

            1 user thanked author for this post.
          • #2266348

            I notice that the newsletters that are available to non-plus members begin around end February. This is three months out of date. I thought the original “delay” was much less? If this is intentional – a three month period – then I don’t know why I’m still bothering to come here. Once upon a time, I used to visit AskWoody several times a week. Now I’m finding less and less available to me.


            • #2266383

              Susan, we all need to make a living and Woody attempts to do it without using advertising on this site.

              As always, the help here is free.  🙂

              cheers, Paul

              1 user thanked author for this post.
            • #2266716

              Thanks for your reply Paul. While I understand and appreciate the issue, there isn’t much I can do about it. These days we all have to decide how to allocate our shrinking resources. I started with Gizmo’s free TechSupportAlert. He “sold out” to Windows Secrets and I received the free version of their newsletter. WinSec brought me to AskWoody. Now WinSec has been “re-incorporated” into AskWoody. Unfortunately, for me, it appears that now AskWoody will only be a resource if I have a specific problem. Sad but true. Still, I wish you guys success.


    • #2265662

      You can save the entire page to PDF (I use FireShot), and edit out individual articles as desired

      Not to go too far OT, but out of curiosity:

      I’d never heard of FireShot. When you save a Web page in FireShot, does it retain the hyperlinks embedded in the text as clickable links?


      1 user thanked author for this post.
      • #2265805

        Just tested, to make sure… have PDFs set to open in PaleMoon, and the links are working.

        Non-techy Win 10 Pro and Linux Mint experimenter

    • #2265869

      A question re Newsletter.

      Sorry, Off topic but could not find another posting.

      I have not received an email notification for the past 2 weeks re Newsletter 11 & 25 May. Have I been dropped off the notification file? Please advise – TU.

      • #2266233

        Have you looked in the spam/junk? Sometimes mass mailings get caught there.

        1 user thanked author for this post.
        • #2266334

          Yes, there is nothing in any folders. I run MailWasher Pro which checks my mail on my ISP server before I give it permission download it to Outlook 2010. May have to contact my ISP and enquire if their email software scanner has deleted them – yet other mail is coming through.

          With MailWasher Pro I am able to accept or reject any mail that may have slipped through my ISP email scanner.


    • #2267225

      Yes, there is nothing in any folders. I run MailWasher Pro which checks my mail on my ISP server before I give it permission download it to Outlook 2010. May have to contact my ISP and enquire if their email software scanner has deleted them – yet other mail is coming through.

      With MailWasher Pro I am able to accept or reject any mail that may have slipped through my ISP email scanner.


      This now being handled offline with the author. TU

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