• How does one handle rollovers when doing subtracti

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    • This topic has 4 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 24 years ago.

    How does one handle rollovers when doing subtraction with time?

    I find that when adding time, VBA handles rollovers at the 24-hour mark gracefully; but when i subtract hours, VBA gives me weird results;

    Here is some code:

    ‘ subtract 12 hours, if resuting time is larger than current time then a 24-hour rollover occurred
    ‘ show current time and calculated time
    If (TimeValue(TimeSerial(Hour(Time) – 12, Minute(Time), Second(Time)))) > TimeValue(Time()) Then
    MsgBox “rollover”
    MsgBox TimeValue(Time()) & ” ” & TimeValue(TimeSerial(Hour(Time) – 23, Minute(Time), Second(Time)))
    End If

    If the current time is 10:20:00 AM, I might get something like 12:28:04 PM (which is totally wrong);

    how should i do time subtraction properly to handle the 24-hour rollover?

    Thank you!


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    • #516808

      To see if we are less than 12 hours into a day, try this, which should return True before 12:00:01 PM and False thereafter. You might have been presenting only a hypothetical scenario, but otherwise, this should do the trick:

      If DatePart(“d”, DateAdd(“h”, -12, Now())) DatePart(“d”, Now()) Then
      i.e., if the day of 12 hours ago is not the current day
      MsgBox “It must be morning.”
      MsgBox “It must not be morning.”
      End If

      • #516885

        The DateAdd might be the way to go if i want to subtract a specific time (hh:mm:ss); I do see alot of conditional loops being made for each time type (hh, mm, ss) to test if the subtraction causes a 24-hour rollover into the previous day or not, so that the date could be decremented;

        -Thanks for the help!


    • #516820

      Here’s some code I worked out recently, for a similar problem. I don’t know if it’s relevant for what you need (it is a lot simpler because the time increments were set at increments of 15 minutes), anyway:

          If nToTime > nFromTime Then
              nTotTime = Format(nToTime - nFromTime, "00.00")
          Else 'it spans a midnight:
              If nFromTime = "0.00" And nToTime = "0.00" Then
                  nTotTime = "0.00"
                  nTotTime = Format(nToTime + 24 - nFromTime, "00.00")
              End If
          End If

      (the nToTime and nFromTime values were derived from entries in Word form fields, and were of Single data type)


    • #516869

      Won’t the DateAdd function do this correctly?


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