OK…real dilemma here, folks…
I’m currently using Windows ‘Live Mail’. I don’t like it. WHY (you ask) ??? My Contacts just up & disappear on a regular basis. I then have to import my .csv from my old address book.
The other reason is…one of my mail accounts…which has a domain from my website…gives me an error message that Live Mail cannot send or receive messages from that account, because the server is unable to be found. But guess what…Live Mail sends & receives messages from that account just fine. In Accounts, my domain servers are configured correctly…everything is configured correctly…(exactly the same as they were when I used to run Outlook Express). The only problem is the stupid error message.
So…I really want to go back to OE.
Trouble is…the only portal I know of (for importing & exporting messages between the two clients) is Microsoft Exchange. But Live Mail WILL NOT permit me to export in that format…it tells me that my MAPI is screwed up. So I cannot get my messages from Live Mail to OE.
Also, OE will not import account files (*.iaf) that were created in Live Mail. Those I can do manually…no big deal.
But I would really like to find a way to get my messages from Live Mail to OE. A great many of them are very important; & I need them.
I guess the problem arises from the fact that OE is an older client…but that still doesn’t explain all the weird behavior. Sure could use some help…thanks,