• How do I add a Publish It with MS Word short cut to the tool bar for Report

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    How do I add a Publish It with MS Word short cut to the tool bar for Reports

    Using Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 (12.0.6423.1000) SP2 MSO (12.0.6425.1000)
    Windows XP

    I have a report printed to the screen and I want to Publish It with MS Word

    I’m having problem with Access 2007 Customize Quick Access Toolbar

    I added a Office Links shout cut to the Tool Bar, however it is dimmed out and mouse hover reads Specify a Table or Query as the Data Source

    I also added Publish and ir is dimmed out without any options

    On previous versions of Access I would click Publish It with MS Word and the Access report would copy into a Word document

    How do I add a Publish It with MS Word short cut to the tool bar for Reports

    Thanks, John

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