• Home Networking


    Hi, I’m new to this….. I Installed a D-Link router with 2 PCs to use a Cable Modem. The ISP does not support networks but I was able to get my systems (Win 95 & 98) to work with e-mail for 1 week. ISP server went down and I have not been able to get e-mail unless I disconnect modem from router and reconfigure PC. PCs are set to DHCP. Router is static IPd. Using @Home. I have re-programmed the router to no avail. Does anyone have any suggestions?


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    • #550959

      I am in the Greater Seattle area using @Home and all I need is Mail, see the attachment.

      DaveA I am so far behind, I think I am First
      Genealogy....confusing the dead and annoying the living

    • #551071

      I used your suggestion and found it to work using the full name of the mail server as a suffix. Thanks again for your assistance.

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