• Home Networking


    Any place on the Lounge that’s appropriate for posting home networking Q&A? With the advent of Internet sharing and high speed access I would think this to be a relevant topic. I know *I’ve* got a few burning questions that I can’t seem to resolve!

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    • #537576

      Put it in the Hardware Forum for now and if enough interest is generated, we’ll give it a Board of its own.

    • #537606

      Make sure that you list ALL of the different OS’s on the different machines. If there are problems, it can be the differences in the OS.

      DaveA I am so far behind, I think I am First
      Genealogy....confusing the dead and annoying the living

      • #538879

        Assuming one has the right type of cable, a problem in setting up a net can be something as simple as the cable.

        I set up a peer to peer a bit over 3 years ago, no matter what I did, I could not get it to work.

        Problem turned out to be the new brand name Belkin cable. I returned it to Comp USA, then went to a local shoppe and got a generic cable for half the price, that worked!

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