• High Contrast and Printing (Access XP SP1)

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    I don’t know if this is right forum to ask…

    I have a low vision user that set up her Windows XP for High Contrast (Black background with yellow font) but now whenever she prints reports from Microsoft Access, it comes out completely black with white fonts! We are trying to get it to print in a “normal way” (black on white). Anyone had same problems?

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    • #666883

      Access is going to default to system settings. When you preview a report, do you see white or yellow on black or is it only when you print it that this occurs? Never mind, I just tested it on my machine. You see the same thing both in preview and when printing. I haven’t a clue as to how you would get around this.

      • #666901

        Yep. In the print preview, I see yellow on black. I guess I’ll have to tell her that she would have to find another way of getting her high contrast without messing with system settings.

        Thanks, Charlotte.


        • #666958

          About the only easy way I can think of getting around this is, if using Windows XP, you can use a keyboard shortcut to toggle the High-Contrast display settings on & off – see attached screen shot (Control Panel, Accessibility Options) – shortcut is ALT + Left SHIFT + PRINT SCREEN. I’m not sure if this shortcut is available in earlier versions of Windows; it worked OK on my WIN XP system.


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