I have an old Olympus VN-6200PC voice recorder with special family interviews on it. Using a usb adapter, I was able to copy audio files to my Win 10 Pro. However, they show up as .WMA files! I need to send them as .MP3 for access by ‘Non-Windows’ family members.
How do I convert from .WMA to .MP3? I don’t wish to ‘install’ on my older PC a huge program simply for this one-time task. I read on portableapps website that the portable VLC version there is 32bit only and doesn’t include any ‘converter’ function (play only)? I’d also like ability to do offline, but can’t be picky. (Was a good AW article recently on preserving photos, hopefully precious audio will be next).
To note: I am local account, don’t have/want MS account, nor use Onedrive or Gmail (nothing Google!) The receiving elderly family has only an Android ph; am going to either send them a thumb drive with the MP3 files to figure it out, or IF files once converted are small enough (which I don’t believe all will be) try to email them.
May I please ask for all of your ideas, suggestions, and as always, astute help? Conversion is key. Not sure why cross-platform sharing is this difficult. Or why M/S doesn’t make it easy in this day & age, but thats just a mini rant:). Thk u in advance!
PS the .wma files on PC play and sound ok with Windows Media Player.Hope converting doesn’t lose quality. Fwiw, I have Apple’s version of itunes on PC, but not to sync-strickly use to backup my iph & ipad. These files won’t be put on my iph or ipad.