• Help needed parsing string… (97 SR-2)

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    I need to fix a procedure I wrote a year ago… I’m trying to parse a string… I need to find the three character month in the string and set a position for it… (This is used to set the Strike later)… Here’s the code I was using…

    Public Function ParsePosition(pstrSearch As String) As Integer

    ‘ This function returns the position that will be used for parsing
    ‘ the long description field from the WTR or DTR

    Select Case True
    Case InStr(6, pstrSearch, ” JAN”)
    ParsePosition = InStr(6, pstrSearch, ” JAN”)
    Case InStr(6, pstrSearch, ” FEB”)
    ParsePosition = InStr(6, pstrSearch, ” FEB”)
    Case InStr(6, pstrSearch, ” MAR”)
    ParsePosition = InStr(6, pstrSearch, ” MAR”)
    Case InStr(6, pstrSearch, ” APR”)
    ParsePosition = InStr(6, pstrSearch, ” APR”)
    Case InStr(6, pstrSearch, ” MAY”)
    ParsePosition = InStr(6, pstrSearch, ” MAY”)
    Case InStr(6, pstrSearch, ” JUN”)
    ParsePosition = InStr(6, pstrSearch, ” JUN”)
    Case InStr(6, pstrSearch, ” JUL”)
    ParsePosition = InStr(6, pstrSearch, ” JUL”)
    Case InStr(6, pstrSearch, ” AUG”)
    ParsePosition = InStr(6, pstrSearch, ” AUG”)
    Case InStr(6, pstrSearch, ” SEP”)
    ParsePosition = InStr(6, pstrSearch, ” SEP”)
    Case InStr(6, pstrSearch, ” OCT”)
    ParsePosition = InStr(6, pstrSearch, ” OCT”)
    Case InStr(6, pstrSearch, ” NOV”)
    ParsePosition = InStr(6, pstrSearch, ” NOV”)
    Case InStr(6, pstrSearch, ” DEC”)
    ParsePosition = InStr(6, pstrSearch, ” DEC”)
    End Select

    End Function

    Problem: Some records have descriptions like this…

    There is not always a space after the NOV, before the numeric value either…

    InStr finds the first occurance… I want to either be more specific… like ask for … space, MMM value, # value OR space, MMM, space, # (…but I can’t use wildcard characters with InStr()…) OR maybe find the last occurance in the string rather than the first…

    Does anyone have any ideas of how I could accurately do this?? TIA!

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    • #739005

      (Edited by MarkD on 03-Nov-03 14:31. Added comment.)

      Recommend use InStrRev function to search string backwards as in this example:

      Public Function GetMonthPosRev(ByRef strTxt As String) As Integer

      Dim strMonth(1 To 12) As String ‘ Array
      Dim n As Integer
      Dim intPos As Integer

      For n = 1 To 12
      ‘ Populate array:
      strMonth(n) = UCase$(Format$(DateSerial(Year(Date), n, 1), “mmm”))
      Next n

      For n = 1 To 12
      intPos = InStrRev(strTxt, Chr$(32) & strMonth(n), , vbTextCompare)
      If Mid$(strTxt, intPos + 4, 1) = Chr$(32) Then
      If IsNumeric(Mid$(strTxt, intPos + 5, 1)) Then
      Exit For
      End If
      ElseIf IsNumeric(Mid$(strTxt, intPos + 4, 1)) Then
      Exit For
      ‘ keep checking
      End If
      Next n

      ‘ Position of month is 1 after the space:
      GetMonthPosRev = intPos + 1

      End Function

      Example of use:

      ? GetMonthPosRev(“CALL BK NOVA SCOT DEC 070”)
      ? GetMonthPosRev(“CALL BK NOVA SCOT NOV110 1/2”)
      ? GetMonthPosRev(“CALL BK MARY SCOT DEC110 1/2”)

      You may need to modify as necessary, this is based on sample text strings provided, function assumes there will be either space & number, or just number, after the month. Chr$(32) returns a space. Note use of array to simplify things somewhat; Format function will return the 3-letter month abbreviations. Your examples all upper case, so I used UCase, to be safe specified textual comparison for InStrRev (ie, not case-sensitive).

      PS: Noticed you are using Access 97 – sorry, InStrRev function not available in ACC 97. Above example would need to be modified.


      • #739027

        Thanks Mark… but I’m still having problems… Since I can’t use InStrRev, I have no clue how I was supposed to adapt this for my purposes…
        I must be brain dead today… Sorry… stupidme

        We really need a smilie for STRESSED OUT!! laugh

        • #739033

          Add this function, and replace InStrRev(strTxt, Chr$(32) & strMonth(n), , vbTextCompare) in Mark’s code by InstrRev97(strTxt, Chr$(32) & strMonth(n))

          Function InStrRev97(StringCheck, StringMatch, Optional Start As Long = -1)
          Dim lngIndex As Long
          Dim lngLen As Long
          Dim lngStart As Long
          If IsNull(StringCheck) Or IsNull(StringMatch) Then
          InStrRev97 = Null
          ElseIf StringCheck = “” Then
          InStrRev97 = 0
          ElseIf StringMatch = “” Then
          InStrRev97 = Start
          InStrRev97 = 0
          lngLen = Len(StringMatch)
          If Start = -1 Then
          lngStart = Len(StringCheck) – lngLen + 1
          lngStart = Start – lngLen + 1
          End If
          For lngIndex = lngStart To 1 Step -1
          If UCase(Mid(StringCheck, lngIndex, lngLen)) = UCase(StringMatch) Then
          InStrRev97 = lngIndex
          Exit For
          End If
          Next lngIndex
          End If
          End Function

          • #739057

            Thanks Hans… Now it’s returning 0 for the position for every record… I don’t know what’s wrong at the moment but I guess I’ll have to keep trying… It was working find the first way I had it….. except now with this exception… hairout

            I really think I need to go forward and check for “Chr(32) MMM Chr(32) and a number” or “Chr(32) MMM and a number”… but right now, I don’t have a clue how…

            This HAS to happen at Year End right?? crazy

            • #739076

              I used this:

              Function InStrRev97(StringCheck, StringMatch, Optional Start As Long = -1)
              Dim lngIndex As Long
              Dim lngLen As Long
              Dim lngStart As Long
              If IsNull(StringCheck) Or IsNull(StringMatch) Then
              InStrRev97 = Null
              ElseIf StringCheck = “” Then
              InStrRev97 = 0
              ElseIf StringMatch = “” Then
              InStrRev97 = Start
              InStrRev97 = 0
              lngLen = Len(StringMatch)
              If Start = -1 Then
              lngStart = Len(StringCheck) – lngLen + 1
              lngStart = Start – lngLen + 1
              End If
              For lngIndex = lngStart To 1 Step -1
              If UCase(Mid(StringCheck, lngIndex, lngLen)) = UCase(StringMatch) Then
              InStrRev97 = lngIndex
              Exit For
              End If
              Next lngIndex
              End If
              End Function

              Public Function GetMonthPosRev(ByRef strTxt As String) As Integer
              Dim strMonth(1 To 12) As String ‘ Array
              Dim n As Integer
              Dim intPos As Integer
              For n = 1 To 12
              ‘ Populate array:
              strMonth(n) = UCase$(Format$(DateSerial(Year(Date), n, 1), “mmm”))
              Next n
              For n = 1 To 12
              intPos = InStrRev97(strTxt, Chr$(32) & strMonth(n))
              If Mid$(strTxt, intPos + 4, 1) = Chr$(32) Then
              If IsNumeric(Mid$(strTxt, intPos + 5, 1)) Then
              Exit For
              End If
              ElseIf IsNumeric(Mid$(strTxt, intPos + 4, 1)) Then
              Exit For
              ‘ keep checking
              End If
              Next n
              ‘ Position of month is 1 after the space:
              GetMonthPosRev = intPos + 1
              End Function

              I typed ? GetMonthPosRev(“CALL BK NOVA SCOT DEC 070”) in the Immediate window and got 19 as result.

            • #739108

              Okay… It’s settled… I’m a complete idiot today!

              I had commented out the last line of Mark’s function… GetMonthPosRev = intPos + 1… because I didn’t want it to add one to the position…
              So guess what?… The function was returning 0…

              I’m kinda concerned about the efficiency of these functions though… Maybe I’m wrong (Very Probably!!!) but I was stepping through the code and mannn does it do a lot of looping for each string… The query is using this on over 50,000 records… Who knows… I suppose something similar is happening behind the scenes when I use InStr() too… Oh well…

              It works!!! …Thank you both VERY VERY MUCH for the help!!!!!! thankyou hugs kiss cloud9 thankyou

            • #739132

              These functions are certainly not very efficient, but that’s only to be expected. If the descriptions are more or less static, and the overhead of the calculations is a problem, this could be one of those situations in which it pays to store the result of the calculation in a separate field. Normally, I always advise against storing derived data, but sometimes it can speed things up tremendously.

            • #739142

              I agree with you Hans… When I started in this department I found that there were TONS of make table queries in about every mdb I looked at…. I almost never use them now… Except during the design process… OR when a query is getting way too slow because of the amount of levels of joins and subqueries…

              Someone much more experienced than I once told me “If you have to make tables during daily processing… the database design isn’t right… ” …In most cases, if not all, I agree with him…

              This seems to be processing in a reasonable amount of time at this point, so I’ll leave it for now…
              Again… Thanks a million!

            • #739143

              I agree with you Hans… When I started in this department I found that there were TONS of make table queries in about every mdb I looked at…. I almost never use them now… Except during the design process… OR when a query is getting way too slow because of the amount of levels of joins and subqueries…

              Someone much more experienced than I once told me “If you have to make tables during daily processing… the database design isn’t right… ” …In most cases, if not all, I agree with him…

              This seems to be processing in a reasonable amount of time at this point, so I’ll leave it for now…
              Again… Thanks a million!

            • #739133

              These functions are certainly not very efficient, but that’s only to be expected. If the descriptions are more or less static, and the overhead of the calculations is a problem, this could be one of those situations in which it pays to store the result of the calculation in a separate field. Normally, I always advise against storing derived data, but sometimes it can speed things up tremendously.

            • #739136

              When I got a chance, I tried doing this another way w/o using InStrRev (I haven’t used ACC 97 in years so usually don’t have this problem). Example:

              Public Function GetMonthPos(ByRef strTxt As String) As Integer

              Dim strMonth(1 To 12) As String ‘ Array
              Dim n As Integer
              Dim intPos As Integer

              For n = 1 To 12
              ‘ Populate array:
              strMonth(n) = UCase$(Format$(DateSerial(Year(Date), n, 1), “mmm”))
              intPos = GetPosition(strTxt, strMonth(n))
              If intPos > 0 Then
              Exit For
              End If
              Next n

              GetMonthPos = intPos

              End Function

              First function calls this 2nd function till positive results are found:

              Function GetPosition(ByRef strTxt As String, ByRef strMonth As String) As Integer

              Dim intPos As Integer
              Dim n As Integer

              For n = 1 To Len(strTxt)
              intPos = InStr(n, strTxt, Chr$(32) & strMonth, vbTextCompare)
              If intPos > 0 Then
              If Mid$(strTxt, intPos + 4, 1) = Chr$(32) Then
              If IsNumeric(Mid$(strTxt, intPos + 5, 1)) Then
              Exit For
              End If
              ElseIf IsNumeric(Mid$(strTxt, intPos + 4, 1)) Then
              Exit For
              ‘ keep checking:
              n = intPos + 1
              End If
              Else ‘ not found (intPos = 0)
              Exit For
              End If
              Next n

              ‘ Position of month is 1 after the space:
              If intPos > 0 Then
              GetPosition = intPos + 1
              GetPosition = 0
              End If

              End Function

              Test usage:

              ? GetMonthPos(“CALL BK NOVA SCOTIA NOV110 1/2”)
              ? GetMonthPos(“CALL BK HAIL MARY MAR 110 1/2”)
              ? GetMonthPos(“CALL BK HAIL MARY SCOT XXX110”)

              I’m sure this is not most efficient code, but unless you can simplify the problem somehow (standard format for incoming data, or have some idea what month to look for) I have no brilliant suggestions…


            • #739148

              Thanks Mark!

              I have it working now… We’ll be upgrading soon… The boss said “Not until AFTER year end!” laugh

              I like your idea about “standard format for incoming data“… BUT
              rofl Ever heard of ADP?? ‘Nuff said… wink

            • #739149

              Thanks Mark!

              I have it working now… We’ll be upgrading soon… The boss said “Not until AFTER year end!” laugh

              I like your idea about “standard format for incoming data“… BUT
              rofl Ever heard of ADP?? ‘Nuff said… wink

            • #739137

              When I got a chance, I tried doing this another way w/o using InStrRev (I haven’t used ACC 97 in years so usually don’t have this problem). Example:

              Public Function GetMonthPos(ByRef strTxt As String) As Integer

              Dim strMonth(1 To 12) As String ‘ Array
              Dim n As Integer
              Dim intPos As Integer

              For n = 1 To 12
              ‘ Populate array:
              strMonth(n) = UCase$(Format$(DateSerial(Year(Date), n, 1), “mmm”))
              intPos = GetPosition(strTxt, strMonth(n))
              If intPos > 0 Then
              Exit For
              End If
              Next n

              GetMonthPos = intPos

              End Function

              First function calls this 2nd function till positive results are found:

              Function GetPosition(ByRef strTxt As String, ByRef strMonth As String) As Integer

              Dim intPos As Integer
              Dim n As Integer

              For n = 1 To Len(strTxt)
              intPos = InStr(n, strTxt, Chr$(32) & strMonth, vbTextCompare)
              If intPos > 0 Then
              If Mid$(strTxt, intPos + 4, 1) = Chr$(32) Then
              If IsNumeric(Mid$(strTxt, intPos + 5, 1)) Then
              Exit For
              End If
              ElseIf IsNumeric(Mid$(strTxt, intPos + 4, 1)) Then
              Exit For
              ‘ keep checking:
              n = intPos + 1
              End If
              Else ‘ not found (intPos = 0)
              Exit For
              End If
              Next n

              ‘ Position of month is 1 after the space:
              If intPos > 0 Then
              GetPosition = intPos + 1
              GetPosition = 0
              End If

              End Function

              Test usage:

              ? GetMonthPos(“CALL BK NOVA SCOTIA NOV110 1/2”)
              ? GetMonthPos(“CALL BK HAIL MARY MAR 110 1/2”)
              ? GetMonthPos(“CALL BK HAIL MARY SCOT XXX110”)

              I’m sure this is not most efficient code, but unless you can simplify the problem somehow (standard format for incoming data, or have some idea what month to look for) I have no brilliant suggestions…


            • #739150

              If you want to use pattern matching, you can use this modified version of GetPosition function as shown in previous reply:

              Function GetPosition(ByRef strTxt As String, ByRef strMonth As String) As Integer

              Dim intPos As Integer
              Dim n As Integer

              For n = 1 To Len(strTxt)
              intPos = InStr(n, strTxt, Chr$(32) & strMonth, vbTextCompare)
              If intPos > 0 Then
              If Mid$(strTxt, intPos, 6) Like Chr$(32) & strMonth & Chr$(32) & “#” Or _
              Mid$(strTxt, intPos, 5) Like Chr$(32) & strMonth & “#” Then
              Exit For
              ‘ keep checking:
              n = intPos + 1
              End If
              Else ‘ not found (intPos = 0)
              Exit For
              End If
              Next n

              ‘ Position of month is 1 after the space:
              If intPos > 0 Then
              GetPosition = intPos + 1
              GetPosition = 0
              End If

              End Function

              You can test this function against previous example & see which, if any, is more efficient (the “Like” operator is allegedly not very efficient for some type of comparisons). I tested both versions of GetMonthPos function in query, used with five different text & memo fields, in table with 10,000 records, for a total of 50,000 iterations, & there was very little delay (if any) in query displaying records. Both versions seemed to execute equally quickly. Your results may vary. The function returned correct results with sample text strings. Note if using Like operator, the “#” symbol is used to denote any number:

              ? “JAN1” Like “JAN#”


            • #739151

              If you want to use pattern matching, you can use this modified version of GetPosition function as shown in previous reply:

              Function GetPosition(ByRef strTxt As String, ByRef strMonth As String) As Integer

              Dim intPos As Integer
              Dim n As Integer

              For n = 1 To Len(strTxt)
              intPos = InStr(n, strTxt, Chr$(32) & strMonth, vbTextCompare)
              If intPos > 0 Then
              If Mid$(strTxt, intPos, 6) Like Chr$(32) & strMonth & Chr$(32) & “#” Or _
              Mid$(strTxt, intPos, 5) Like Chr$(32) & strMonth & “#” Then
              Exit For
              ‘ keep checking:
              n = intPos + 1
              End If
              Else ‘ not found (intPos = 0)
              Exit For
              End If
              Next n

              ‘ Position of month is 1 after the space:
              If intPos > 0 Then
              GetPosition = intPos + 1
              GetPosition = 0
              End If

              End Function

              You can test this function against previous example & see which, if any, is more efficient (the “Like” operator is allegedly not very efficient for some type of comparisons). I tested both versions of GetMonthPos function in query, used with five different text & memo fields, in table with 10,000 records, for a total of 50,000 iterations, & there was very little delay (if any) in query displaying records. Both versions seemed to execute equally quickly. Your results may vary. The function returned correct results with sample text strings. Note if using Like operator, the “#” symbol is used to denote any number:

              ? “JAN1” Like “JAN#”


            • #739109

              Okay… It’s settled… I’m a complete idiot today!

              I had commented out the last line of Mark’s function… GetMonthPosRev = intPos + 1… because I didn’t want it to add one to the position…
              So guess what?… The function was returning 0…

              I’m kinda concerned about the efficiency of these functions though… Maybe I’m wrong (Very Probably!!!) but I was stepping through the code and mannn does it do a lot of looping for each string… The query is using this on over 50,000 records… Who knows… I suppose something similar is happening behind the scenes when I use InStr() too… Oh well…

              It works!!! …Thank you both VERY VERY MUCH for the help!!!!!! thankyou hugs kiss cloud9 thankyou

            • #739077

              I used this:

              Function InStrRev97(StringCheck, StringMatch, Optional Start As Long = -1)
              Dim lngIndex As Long
              Dim lngLen As Long
              Dim lngStart As Long
              If IsNull(StringCheck) Or IsNull(StringMatch) Then
              InStrRev97 = Null
              ElseIf StringCheck = “” Then
              InStrRev97 = 0
              ElseIf StringMatch = “” Then
              InStrRev97 = Start
              InStrRev97 = 0
              lngLen = Len(StringMatch)
              If Start = -1 Then
              lngStart = Len(StringCheck) – lngLen + 1
              lngStart = Start – lngLen + 1
              End If
              For lngIndex = lngStart To 1 Step -1
              If UCase(Mid(StringCheck, lngIndex, lngLen)) = UCase(StringMatch) Then
              InStrRev97 = lngIndex
              Exit For
              End If
              Next lngIndex
              End If
              End Function

              Public Function GetMonthPosRev(ByRef strTxt As String) As Integer
              Dim strMonth(1 To 12) As String ‘ Array
              Dim n As Integer
              Dim intPos As Integer
              For n = 1 To 12
              ‘ Populate array:
              strMonth(n) = UCase$(Format$(DateSerial(Year(Date), n, 1), “mmm”))
              Next n
              For n = 1 To 12
              intPos = InStrRev97(strTxt, Chr$(32) & strMonth(n))
              If Mid$(strTxt, intPos + 4, 1) = Chr$(32) Then
              If IsNumeric(Mid$(strTxt, intPos + 5, 1)) Then
              Exit For
              End If
              ElseIf IsNumeric(Mid$(strTxt, intPos + 4, 1)) Then
              Exit For
              ‘ keep checking
              End If
              Next n
              ‘ Position of month is 1 after the space:
              GetMonthPosRev = intPos + 1
              End Function

              I typed ? GetMonthPosRev(“CALL BK NOVA SCOT DEC 070”) in the Immediate window and got 19 as result.

          • #739058

            Thanks Hans… Now it’s returning 0 for the position for every record… I don’t know what’s wrong at the moment but I guess I’ll have to keep trying… It was working find the first way I had it….. except now with this exception… hairout

            I really think I need to go forward and check for “Chr(32) MMM Chr(32) and a number” or “Chr(32) MMM and a number”… but right now, I don’t have a clue how…

            This HAS to happen at Year End right?? crazy

        • #739034

          Add this function, and replace InStrRev(strTxt, Chr$(32) & strMonth(n), , vbTextCompare) in Mark’s code by InstrRev97(strTxt, Chr$(32) & strMonth(n))

          Function InStrRev97(StringCheck, StringMatch, Optional Start As Long = -1)
          Dim lngIndex As Long
          Dim lngLen As Long
          Dim lngStart As Long
          If IsNull(StringCheck) Or IsNull(StringMatch) Then
          InStrRev97 = Null
          ElseIf StringCheck = “” Then
          InStrRev97 = 0
          ElseIf StringMatch = “” Then
          InStrRev97 = Start
          InStrRev97 = 0
          lngLen = Len(StringMatch)
          If Start = -1 Then
          lngStart = Len(StringCheck) – lngLen + 1
          lngStart = Start – lngLen + 1
          End If
          For lngIndex = lngStart To 1 Step -1
          If UCase(Mid(StringCheck, lngIndex, lngLen)) = UCase(StringMatch) Then
          InStrRev97 = lngIndex
          Exit For
          End If
          Next lngIndex
          End If
          End Function

      • #739028

        Thanks Mark… but I’m still having problems… Since I can’t use InStrRev, I have no clue how I was supposed to adapt this for my purposes…
        I must be brain dead today… Sorry… stupidme

        We really need a smilie for STRESSED OUT!! laugh

    • #739006

      (Edited by MarkD on 03-Nov-03 14:31. Added comment.)

      Recommend use InStrRev function to search string backwards as in this example:

      Public Function GetMonthPosRev(ByRef strTxt As String) As Integer

      Dim strMonth(1 To 12) As String ‘ Array
      Dim n As Integer
      Dim intPos As Integer

      For n = 1 To 12
      ‘ Populate array:
      strMonth(n) = UCase$(Format$(DateSerial(Year(Date), n, 1), “mmm”))
      Next n

      For n = 1 To 12
      intPos = InStrRev(strTxt, Chr$(32) & strMonth(n), , vbTextCompare)
      If Mid$(strTxt, intPos + 4, 1) = Chr$(32) Then
      If IsNumeric(Mid$(strTxt, intPos + 5, 1)) Then
      Exit For
      End If
      ElseIf IsNumeric(Mid$(strTxt, intPos + 4, 1)) Then
      Exit For
      ‘ keep checking
      End If
      Next n

      ‘ Position of month is 1 after the space:
      GetMonthPosRev = intPos + 1

      End Function

      Example of use:

      ? GetMonthPosRev(“CALL BK NOVA SCOT DEC 070”)
      ? GetMonthPosRev(“CALL BK NOVA SCOT NOV110 1/2”)
      ? GetMonthPosRev(“CALL BK MARY SCOT DEC110 1/2”)

      You may need to modify as necessary, this is based on sample text strings provided, function assumes there will be either space & number, or just number, after the month. Chr$(32) returns a space. Note use of array to simplify things somewhat; Format function will return the 3-letter month abbreviations. Your examples all upper case, so I used UCase, to be safe specified textual comparison for InStrRev (ie, not case-sensitive).

      PS: Noticed you are using Access 97 – sorry, InStrRev function not available in ACC 97. Above example would need to be modified.


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