The Windows 8.1 Update side of my dual boot has been acting up sporadically of late. I ran chkdsk /r which found some bad sectors and recovered a driver file in the Windows folder. It starting running closer to normal, but I ran the latest release of Seagate’s Sea Tools “Fix all (long)” test, and it failed. Sea Tools offered up a link to Support, and my drive is still under warranty (for just 6 more months) and I went through the links and filled out the necessary info yesterday, and got an email today that my replacement drive has shipped.
I’ve got recent drive/partition images for everything on that drive (I have four 1TB drives in the tower), and I’m continuing to use the one that has bad sectors. For sure, I won’t be installing anything until I get the new drive, but as long as it’s playing nice, I’ll continue to use it until the replacement arrives, then secure-erase it and ship it back to Seagate.
But that got me thinking, if I had a sudden unrecoverable failure, I don’t have a spare. I’d have to head out to the store and get one at the going price (and I much prefer sale prices). So, it being Black Friday, I decided to shop for a spare ahead of time. Which leads (finally!) to this:
“Seagate Desktop Solid State Hybrid Drives – 1 TB, 8 GB NAND Flash” from Tiger Direct at $50 off. I ordered two.:fanfare: