Good Morning All,
We have a group calendar and I am trying to set up a method where items in our individual calendars are automatically copied into the group calendar (long appointments only). This is so that we can tell by looking at the group calendar, where people are.
This is currently done on a manual basis but, as you would expect, quite a few people don’t bother / forget.
I was thinking of setting up a macro that scans my appointments, checks to see how long it is, if it is ‘long’ then it copies the item into the group calendar.
Q1 Is there another way of doing this?
Q2 I’ve got a macro to scan my calendar items, but how do I copy it to the group calendar – do I basically need to return another outlook account with the getnamespace then get that namespace’s calendar folder?
Once I get the maco working on my outlook, are there any ‘tricks’ to help me in rolling this out.