• Grab Entire Site


    So, I’m looking at http://www.mvps.org, You know.. the Access Web. There’s a whole lot of information there… My question is, how can I grab the entire site so that I can access it on my laptop from home, without connecting?

    Viewing 6 reply threads
    • #527796

      It’s convoluted, but linuxorg has the answer.

    • #527898

      The cute little demon was already taken! grin

    • #529001

      First there was Gateway with their cow patterned logo and packaging. (Who knows why!)

      As I understand it, the company was started by the younger son of a dairy-herd dynasty. I suppose it beats going into the church…

      • #529060

        If you have seen the countryside around where Gateway was started, and the barn in which it was started, you’ll understand the Gateway cow motif. Although most cattle in that area are for slaughter, not dairy; there is a major slaughterhouse west of the city.

    • #529307

      For your particular wish this site is available as an Access database to download (V V useful and a good example of Access’s flexibility)

    • #531593


      Now, does anyone know why Linux distros use a Penguin?


      It’s sad but true… the trusty penguin (the bird that can’t fly) seems to have come to stand for “Linux… it won’t fly on the desktop”!

    • #527714

      Get yeself off to ">Off-line Browsers – loads of stuff there – freeware and shareware.

      • #527726

        Or go to The Slaughterhouse – my own personal favorite.

        • #527733

          As an aside from the country under the strains of BSE and Foot and Mouth, it’s interesting that the two sites proposed feature two live cows and one dead one. . . .
          What is the connection between cattle and software? – or is it just that you Americans are all cowboys (and cowgirls) at heart?

          • #527734

            rofl I’m far from it, but know others who would like to believe they are…

            the Slaughterhouse icon is a common thing in the Southwestern USA… you see murals of Cow skulls littering the desert sands, with Cacti in the background…

            Cows and Software… shrug Another of life’s great mysteries!

          • #527739

            laugh You should have seen the original Slaughterhouse! It had bl**dy babies on hooks… (I think he’s a bit of a Goth.) I remember telling him if he wanted to atract the mainstream, he’d be advised to tone it down a little.

            • #527742

              All great, and wonderful history, but what of my request?! shocked sarcasm bow

            • #527744

              Oh, and how much space would it take to grab the lounge, in its entirety? devil

            • #527746

              A LOT. devil
              And it’d be a waste of time because it’s dynamic.

            • #527747

              I know.. just curious..

          • #527784

            Interesting comment, in the Land Down Under (or at least my little corner of it) a cowboy is the sort of, say, mechanic you wouldn’t take your car to if you actually wanted it fixed.

          • #529099

            Have you really taken a look at the word “Cowboy”, remembering that a “cow” is a female of the bovine family.
            So how does one become a “cowboy?

            DaveA I am so far behind, I think I am First
            Genealogy....confusing the dead and annoying the living

            • #529118

              Sorta the same way you become a ladies man ? shrug

            • #529129

              Cow is shorter and much easier to say than ‘cattle’. Cattle drives probably consisted mostly of steers anyway. Cow is often used interchangeably to mean cattle of any sex, so ‘cowboy’ = a male calf. Neat. nope

            • #529140


              Cattle drives probably consisted mostly of steers

              Well steering is an integral part of driving, after all. grin

            • #529259

              Ummm back to the initial question shy – FrontPage has a tool that will allow you to import a website. Perhaps not as many bells and whistles as some of the others mentioned here … but you’ve already got it.

            • #529260

              Yes, Yes.. problem resolved… way before our cowfolk references.. smile wink

              Thanks All!

      • #527732

        Mooo!!! (There will be cow to put here soon, I think)

        Has anyone used a particular one that has done well for them? bow

        • #527750

          In the full version of Adobe Acrobat, you have the ability to capture a web site and determine how many layers you drill down, whether you wish to stay in the same domain, etc. Also, it’ll keep links intact for the document it creates. Pretty useful sometimes for fairly static sites…

    • #531830

      nuts indeed!

      Hope it washes off! ..and it was only done for a dare!

      From a sad Netware nerd!

      • #532016

        no no, It’s permanent. And Novell???? Talk about a legacy OS, and you you admit it. I’m sooo sorry… sarcasm laugh

        • #532035

          Talk about legacy systems, I’m still suffering withdrawal from turning off the Hotel’s IBM System36 four years ago. That was back in the helicon days when I had time to keep up the my programming (at work), and run a consultancy on the side! bummer

          Sorry I haven’t had time to look at Linux, no application for it in my current environment. I do belive that it is a great OS, though. shrug

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